Xmas show set list

Jeff Milne

Oct 29, 2002
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Since a certain Scot always wants to know what the set list was:

Ides of March/Wrathchild
Wasted Years
2 Minutes to Midnight [for some reason "(Dynamic)" is written next to it]
Can I Play wit Madness [crossed out]
# of the Beast
Phantom of the Opera
Hallowed by thy Name
Iron Maiden [with a "?", and the answer was no]
Run to the Hills

The guest guitarist's very unfriendly roadie tried to stop me from taking the setlist, but Metal Lord set him straight.
"a certain Scot" Who's that then?? :u-huh: :lol:

Thanks very much for that!! I hate it when roadies are pissy about you getting a setlist. I remember having an arguement with one of Metallica's roadies cos I wanted the chord chart for The God That Failed and he kept saying "It's not a setlist!" and I was like I KNOW but I still want it!! Why can't they give you it, it's just a bit of paper for God's sake!!!! :rolleyes: Anyways, how did Eileen get on?

Looking forward to some photos if or when they're posted. :cool:
Why can't they give you it, it's just a bit of paper for God's sake!!!! :rolleyes: Anyways, how did Eileen get on?

Looking forward to some photos if or when they're posted. :cool:

Well in all fairness to the roadie perhaps he was unaware the last song was going on.

Eileen did quite well. I don't think she was mixed in well where Jeff and I were. Anyhow for a first performance she did excellent.

Y'all will love this. Some mook in a cowboy hat comes up to Joe and I and starts ranting about how Iron Maiden sucks and are just Judas Priest wannabes Go listen to old priest yada yada yada.. Then the kicker is he says he hopes the Iron Maidens are better because IM sucks then huffs off.

At the same time Joe and I turn to each other and say the same thing, "What the fuck are you doing here then?" :lol:

OK what am I missing the band is "The Iron Maidens the worlds only all female tribute to Iron Maiden". What the fuck you think they are gonna play, Zappa? Meat Loaf? Kansas? Toad the Wet Sprocket? No, Iron Maiden tunes you bonehead!

Is there something I'm missing here?


Photos in process.......
A few.....None of Linda though. :Saint: :Saint:

The stage decoration... OK I have no clue why this shows for me as a link and doesn't appear like the others. ??????


Eileen being watched by the demonic manager...:hypno:

Wanda pulled out one of her other basses for the occasion. (geek moment) This thing has a gorgeous birdseye fretboard and flamed headstock. One of the better looking bass necks I've seen. The pic doesn't really capture it. This is usually there as her backup but got a night in the spotlight. Now those of you that wonder check out Steve's bass on the Killers CD, yep black in those days.

OK, OK there were some sound problems but the guy to the left of Sara is exaggerating it. :goggly: :lol:

Sara and Aja were having a head banging contest for a few moments..

Linda is in there. Notice the "sooty" on the front of the kit? Wonder where that came from? :goggly: