XXX or 6505?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Both sound really good to me, and there's only about a 150 dollar price difference. Is the XXX worth the extra dough, or is the 6505 just the underdog?
Another thing I found today was that the 6505+ is only 50 dollars more expensive than the 6505 on the Peavey site, $150 more expensive on Musiciansfriend, and even more expensive in local stores here. Talk about scalping...
I would say the 6505 will probably the choice by people on here but I love my XXX. The XXX just seems more refined than the 5150/6505 to me. For me XXX+Boost= :)
Neither is the underdog, or the "better" amp. They are just different. Different voicing is the main difference here. Same power amp tubes, same pre amp tubes. Many metal tones have come from the 5150/ 6505, so if you want to be a bit different you could go with the XXX based on that.
I used to play a Peavey Ultra Plus which was the predecessor to the XXX. I actually liked the overall tone of the Ultra Plus better. If you can find one used on E-Bay (around $500 give or take) I would recommend snatching it up. It's a 3 channel head with 4 6L6 Power tubes and 4 12ax7 Preamp tubes. Has a decent spring reverb. Good solid clean tone all the way up to super heavy.
I have a XXX. Once I started noticing the twangy-ness I started to absolutely loath it. No matter what guitar I used I couldn't get rid of the twang. Hopefully I don't bring it to anyone elses attention and make them start hating theirs. I would've traded mine for a 6505 in a heartbeat. If you're comparing the XXX with the 6505, keep in mind that the 6505 is the main amp on maybe half of your metal album collection. Of course under the name of the 5150.
What kind of twangy-ness? With the distortion or the clean channel? The clean channel isn't a problem...I have a Boss GT-8 and I'll use that preamp for clean tones.