Yaotl Mictlan - Mexico's very own Arghoslent!!!

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Yaotl Mictlan was created to fight racist Euro-centrism in all levels of life which are found in the world’s educational systems, science, history, and the media. Eradicating the various effects of the murdering of 80 to 100 million of our people (the whole American continent) that have lead to the destruction of our culture, language, dignity, religions, and self esteem. Yes self Esteem, through direct genocidal colonization we have been thought to be ashamed our color of our skin and to hate anything

Snippet description from Arse's house of horror-

Aztec Black Death Metal with Mexican/Mayan chants &
instruments like flute, bones & indigenous drums.

RIA - Holy shit, this is the best metal I have heard in God knows how long. Infernal hails to Jalisco!! I have wet back blood in me, so I can listen to this with a clear conscious.



RIA - Holy shit, this is the best metal I have heard in God knows how long.

This is? Who the F have you been listening to then lately!? :erk:


The two songs no their myspace didn't grab me to much upon first listen. Wasn't bad, but nothing great.

I guess since you had Arghoslent in the title I began to expect some awesome riffing


their counter-euroracism schtick is pretty cool though
I've heard worse Mexican bands, but you half killed my excitement at discovering Arghoslent :lol:

Guess I'll just "obtain" one of their albums right now and see by myself.
Aside from The Chasm (who I never listen to), this is the best band to ever come out of Mexico. What a horrible country for metal.

Don't even attempt to prove me otherwise, I'll whip out ten bands that are a joke, for every .0001 band that you think is cool. :dopey:
yeah, using the latin script for your bandname in your logo, yeah, that's real anti-eurocentric.

Come back when you're using Mayan Hieroglyphs to express your bandname, jerks.
Pagan metal bands use it all the time, so there would seem to be a consensus, albeit unspoken, that to do so would not compromise one's values.

I don't think their music can ever outdo their picture, so I won't even bother disappointing myself.
Aside from The Chasm (who I never listen to), this is the best band to ever come out of Mexico. What a horrible country for metal.

Don't even attempt to prove me otherwise, I'll whip out ten bands that are a joke, for every .0001 band that you think is cool. :dopey:

Xibalba and Argentum rule too!