YAY vacation


Dec 21, 2001
Friday May 18, 2007
Great. Excise tax on the new car. We really can't afford to go away. Luckily enough, our reservations in VA are no-cancellation. Besides, if a credit line can't be used to relieve stress and prevent spousal murder, what can it be used for? At least this "midway" stop room is cheap. Of course the centipede on the wall and cigarette burns on everything are probably why. At least I know where the Stratford, CT junior and high school kids go to shoot heroin now.

Saturday May 19, 2007
Effective the date on that letter I won't be getting until after my return from Virginia, that "stress relief credit line" has been cut down to 1/3 the original amount. Luckily, my "we booked the hotel on this card and if we don't have somewhere to stay, I will be eaten by coyotes and therefore never pay you" argument worked. This "jaw droppingly awesome queso" is pretty mediocre.

Sunday May 20, 2007
It just occurred to me that driving 8 hours to see my wife's ex-fiance for our anniversary is pretty weird. However, I saw this fairy tale castle alongside 495 and it turned out to be the Mormon temple so I am way too amused to care. Then I walked out of the bathroom and met my friend's Mormon mother while she was in the middle of changing. Then I got drunk and hit on my wife's ex fiance. It's all part of my master plan to achieve success by becoming numb to embarrassment.

Monday May 21, 2007
The four of us went to the zoo. Michelle felt all awkward because it was my anniversary and a) she met us Friday b) Ross is my wife's ex fiance. Then we saw a red panda and she stopped caring. So fucking cute. Not quite as cute as I got after a margarita and a six pack in the hotel room but definitely up there.

Tuesday May 22, 2007
We need to be on the road by 7 if we want to avoid hitting NYC rush-hour. Of course we were up until 4am celebrating. We got an alternate route off a nice lady at the rest stop. After following it for a bit, we tried GPS navigation then called my dad is disbelief over how bad that woman fucked up. Oh and when Rhode island tells you there are no lane closures on 95 over that handy AM band traffic alert system, they really mean that three out of four lanes are closed. Fuckers.

Wednesday May 23, 2007
I'm home sick. Shit.
He's one of our best friends. And I married her. Comes with this "trust" thing.
Mark, I said the same thing lol!!!!

But, Kleo and I talked and he explained the whole thing, and I understand now.

...But that would still never happen here!


Glad you had fun Kleo, I am sure it was great getting away from all this horeshit up here!