

yeah.. Miles
Feb 11, 2004
Finland, Vimpeli
====== 24.MAY.04 ======


The band is now entering the studio to write their next cd, and will be giving bi-weekly (or so) studio reports with news and pictures as the writing process progresses.
The day this new album comes out.. in the house of Carys, it will be declared official (in my little idealisms anyway)..official Symphony X day.. and whatever I am doing that day I will drop it to sit around on my ass and pay homage to the greatest band ever!! I will make everyone in the house listen to nothing but Symphony X (the same like they do for christmas and easter playing nothing but shitty holiday songs and movies) until either the day is over.. they have dropped dead.. or they have shot me (the third is the most likely situation).
SilentRealm said:
The day this new album comes out.. in the house of Carys, it will be declared official (in my little idealisms anyway)..official Symphony X day.. and whatever I am doing that day I will drop it to sit around on my ass and pay homage to the greatest band ever!! I will make everyone in the house listen to nothing but Symphony X (the same like they do for christmas and easter playing nothing but shitty holiday songs and movies) until either the day is over.. they have dropped dead.. or they have shot me (the third is the most likely situation).


That exact same scenario will be taking place in my home as well. I think I will be freaking out so much over it that my friends and family will have me commited....... ;) It's a miracle they haven't done so already.... :loco: :hypno:
Oh my God! This will be the most wega honorable thing ever. The new Manowar album will be coming out soon, along with Rhapsody's "The Dark Secret" and Blind Guardian's DVD. A fat party is on the cards, with plenty of Pepsi and Nerds Rope for all!