yes..i find damnation boring!

of course there goin to do creedance. Benighted yea,, Stil lDay Beneath the sun would be cool as well, or the acoustic track on Orchid.. i sense a black rose acoustic medly for some reason. i mean u add up all their songs that are plain out clean its like 70s minutes and i dont htink theyll play every track off damnation.
dolphz said:
I absolutely agree! I have been saying this for a while, and it seems like everytime I bash damnation, posts come flowing in saying what a great piece of work it is.

Well, it is a mediocre cd. Overall very boring and uninteresting. If it was released by any other band, I would have already sold it back to the used cd store. I enjoys lots of "mellow" music, but Damnation is just not that good.

I couldn't have said it better....

If you put together the mellow songs on the previous albums (Melinda, Harvest, Credence, To Bid You Farewell etc.), then it would have been an EXCELLENT album. That was what I was waiting for, but it didn't turn out too good i.m.o. There are two great songs on the album; Windowpane and To Rid The Disease.
Windowpane is true progressive music, compared to the classic prog bands from the 70's.
I thought I would absolutely love this album, considering I love all of Opeth's past mellow pieces. But Damnation doesn't work and is basically relegated to pleasant background music. Damnation also tends to borrow off it's influences too much I think.

Considering this was an experiment, I'd just consider it a small misstep. I could imagine that riffs taken from both albums distilled to one album would have made for a much more enjoyable (and less tedious) experience.
Of course I don't think less of Opeth because I dislike this cd. They tried something different, that's cool, maybe they'll try a little bluegrass next (wee bit o' sarcasm there). I think it's great to try different directions, try new approaches, I will always appreciate Opeth, I will always buy their cds.
They have way too much talent, I know they have many more awe inspiring musical creations in them.
Demonspell said:
So is your opinion, and since very little of PT's catalogue explores ambient territory and they have moved in a completely different direction on their last three albums, I'm willing to guess your exposure to the band consists solely of random downloads. :)
lol, somehow you are exactly right, i downloaded everything i could find of theirs and still to no avail on the good music, now, i'm not saying i have passed judgement, if you can show me a song/album that is really good and i enjoy i will purchase that, until then i will stick to my random downloads ;0)
ollebull said:
If you put together the mellow songs on the previous albums (Melinda, Harvest, Credence, To Bid You Farewell etc.), then it would have been an EXCELLENT album. That was what I was waiting for, but it didn't turn out too good i.m.o. QUOTE]

same to me...:)

and sometimes on "damnation" songs seem usual opeth songs without distortion,not acoustic tracks with an indipendent arrangement...

this is not good to me....

and then again i say that opeth can made one or two ballads in an album entire album is not their cup of least i think....

however i really like mellow music...consider that one of my favourite artist is suzanne vega...

I have to say that BWP easily is better than Deliverance. I can't put it up against Damnation, which I like a lot. Some of the riffs on Deliverance just sound like they were dropped from BWP and carried over. Anyway, Damnation isn't boring at all (except for Weakness maybe) It doesn't sound much like PT, but I'm only going by their last two albums. I'd like to see what Opeth does with this tour. I can't see them doing more than five songs off of Damnation. I'd like to see Still Day. And hopefully they'd throw some metal in there for the encore maybe, but I'm not counting on it.
Well it's all a matter of taste again...
But as for myself, i enjoy it so much that i consider the album one of their best with Orchid and Morningrise! There's so much emotion in those songs, i feel so relax when i listen that album, forgot about me and everything that surround me, all my problems are gone...feel like im leaving my body... :) i know it can sound weird....anyway it's hard to explain...

Viva Opeth!!
Anyone who thinks Damnation is a masterpiece, obviously never listened to King Crimson for any extended period of time...

The music is written like 70's prog rock, but the recording gear and equipment used are today's stuff... and as a result it just doesn't work...
Damnation could have been a lot better had Opeth used their old crappy instruments and recorded it in the same (analog gear) studio as Orchid, and Morningrise with Dan Swano as producer... not Steve Wilson...

Well that's my thought anway.
Monsterxman said:
Anyone who thinks Damnation is a masterpiece, obviously never listened to King Crimson for any extended period of time...

The music is written like 70's prog rock, but the recording gear and equipment used are today's stuff... and as a result it just doesn't work...
Damnation could have been a lot better had Opeth used their old crappy instruments and recorded it in the same (analog gear) studio as Orchid, and Morningrise with Dan Swano as producer... not Steve Wilson...

Well that's my thought anway.


I love Damnation, and while being a fan of progressive rock certainly helps that there is one specific reason the album does a lot for me. With "normal" Opeth you are given your mellow build up and then the explosion, if you will, follows. With Damnation instead of that explosion I'm left with feelings of melancholy. I'd wager Opeth knew this album wouldn't sit well with many of their core fans, and I think that shows even moreso their doing what they want to do.
Well I am a total Opeth mark, but I admit I was rather surprised with the direction they took. I was expecting something more like Harvest.

Though I do like the album, it needed to be done as a one time thing.
Why are you people bashing Opeth? No band can please every fan all the time. These posts are ridiculous! Opeth did what THEY wanted to. I think Damnation is excellent. It just takes a different direction, that's all. Go bash Metallica- they deserve it.
Damnation is an excellent album. I listen to Yes, Camel, King Crimson, Pink Floyd...lots of that prog stuff. Yes, and Porcupine Tree (I have almost all of their albums).

What sets Opeth's Damnation apart from most of these is the sheer organic nature of the songs. These really sound like forest prog rock sounds to natural and organic, at one with nature, no matter how cheesy that sounds. Porcupine Tree's sound is much more modern and uses more effects and contemporary methods. Damnation feels like some old prog album from the 70s, while at the same time, having an air of timelessness. Thats what makes it great. It sounds like its in its own little bubble of space and time, it sounds like the type of album that never gets old and I can picture myself putting it on way wayyy in the future and having an orgasm of memories for days gone by. It is EXTREMELY mellow, yes, and for that reason I find myself not putting it on so much except when I'm in a particular mood. I can put on Pink Floyd or King Crimson whenever I want...not so with Damnation, I have to be in a certain headspace. Dammit...when I'm in the mood for it, and I put it on, there's NOTHING better. Its filled with songs that sound like ye olde epicness of King Crimsons In The Court with a blues twist...and I can tell you now that even if its not my favourite album (its not), when it actually gets on my playlist I get an expression of joy.

This album is to be used sparingly to GREAT effect. If you think its boring then thats a problem with you, because mellow music requires effort from the listener. Like someone else said, if you are too lazy to appreciate music that doesn't try and attack you with noise, then go listen to bubblegum shit like Children of Bodom. This is music that you have to put the effort into to enjoy, I wish more people would understand that instead of being roight dumbasses.
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I've been listening to Damnation constantly in my work - over and over again for hours at a time and I still havent got bored with it. It's a good album with some great songs (I hate the last track though) and it could have been longer.
Not a patch on Deliverance or MAYH though.