yet another amp thread

You use your effects board, so you're not looking for it to have added on effects I would guess? Solid state amps have a tendency to toss in all that extra effects junk these days. Pretty much any 15w amp will be around that price then without added effects, could go for a peavey or marshall w/ 8 inch speaker, last I saw they go for around $110
Kustom. cheap, easy, and as long as you got some effects, you can make it sound awesome.
i was looking at the cube.

Derick, My pedal is like 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep, i really dont want to hook this thing up to a tiny practice amp. I want one with a nice crunch to it (probably a tube) on its own so I can just practice on it by itself. I saw a Randall on sale at musician's friend for like 70 bucks, and I saw a nice little peavey tube amp for just under 90 that has a clean channel and a lead channel.

so far I like these, i just want to go play with them to see how they sound

Peavey TransTube Rage 158 8" 15w 2 Channel

Randall EX15FX 6" 15w

and The Roland Micro Cube

I dont know how well that Cube's "effects" sound.
Transtubes aren't real tubes, and you won't get a 15w tube amp for that price. ...But the peavey is still a nice practice amp. On the older models, the sound was thin, and the distortion was like a can of bees, but with enough EQ tweaking it was definitely useable... I hear transtube tech has progressed for them since then so it's likely better.

And I don't think the amp will mind that your pedal is larger, if it's nearby, why not hook it up? just sayin', mostly as a reason to avoid spending more on "reverb + delay + flange + more cheap effects" but it seems you don't plan on going that route anyway, so no biggie

I haven't used those other two. I'm sure the roland is great if you want portability , but I would think that if it's just gonna sit, why shrink it down to a 5" speaker.
im gonna leave my pedal with my amp (because without the pedal the amp is useless) plus its one more thing for me to carry around, I just want something small to put in my room that sounds decent, and is small, and packs a little punch
I've played one of those Roland Cubes and they're total class.

also Penguin just got a Line 6 Spyder II 1x12" for $275 CDN brand new... if you want to spend just a little bit more, that line six stuff these days is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP
i found that playing lead on it sounded really dry, and really bored me. on a 30w spider at guitar center and i was playing it through a C7 hellraiser. although i didn't give it too much EQ and didn't bother to turn too many nobs on it
guys, small, cheap, using it just for practice.

small, similar to the 3 i posted. any suguestions like that? thanks