Yet another question for Mr V


Audio Tweeker
Jul 12, 2002
Gold Coast, Australia
Now, I'm not too sure if this question has been asked before, but I'll ask it anyway.

I was wandering what kind of vocal training, if any, you have had.

Just wandering what training other vocalists have had.
I personally haven't teken any classes at all, just do alot of vocal performing at home while recording..and with many projects the amount adds up to quite alot of singing.

mr V
I ask him this question a time ago too and he has never had any lessons in other instruments too. Now I am thinking to learn the guitar almost by myself. I had some lessons for two years but I stopped with it. A lot of great musicians learn everything themself. Ostein G Burn too btw...
I taught myself guitar, I had jazz lessons for bass.
I actually find it easier to teach myself than it is to take lessons, but for vocals I'll need it for strength. Hopefully I'll have had a few lessons by the time my band goes in to the studio.

I find it absolutely amazing that some of my favourite musos (eg, Oystein, Mr V) never had lessons. I've read about Oysteins playing, but I never knew that Vintersorg never had lessons for the other instruments. :notworthy
I could play bass and piano, until i got in an accident and hurt my "longfinger" on my right hand. so now i can't use it anymore, which makes it almost impossible to play nowadays...