Yngwie follows Alexi's trend...

Oct 22, 2002
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When Yngwie Malmsteen was asked about the future of metal, he replied...

"I was in the car with my drummer the other day, and he had the radio on. I was like, "What the fuck?" There was this song by a metal band playing, and it was completely cacophonous. There was not one note that you could call "commercial." There was no hook, nothing. It was crazy, I think it was called System of a Down." - Yngwie Malmsteen

So I guess Alexi is not the only good/respectable musician that's enjoying System of a Down these days.
Im not a huge SOAD fan. I do like their Vocals, and think they are excellent rythem players, but I dont like too many songs with just 3-4 simple rythem riffs tossed in.

moh well.
Speaking of ridiculously horrible music, I saw Korn's twisted transistor video the other day on mtv and I can't believe that's considered music. I could bash my head against my guitar and come up with better music than that....unbelievable.
"I was in the car with my drummer the other day, and he had the radio on. I was like, "What the fuck?" There was this song by a metal band playing, and it was completely cacophonous. There was not one note that you could call "commercial." There was no hook, nothing. It was crazy, I think it was called System of a Down." - Yngwie Malmsteen

I dont understand how that's a compliment.
DarkStEaLtH233 said:
Speaking of ridiculously horrible music, I saw Korn's twisted transistor video the other day on mtv and I can't believe that's considered music. I could bash my head against my guitar and come up with better music than that....unbelievable.
CadalMord said:
Can we get that in mp3 please?

in MPG would be better

Grimes said:
"I was in the car with my drummer the other day, and he had the radio on. I was like, "What the fuck?" There was this song by a metal band playing, and it was completely cacophonous. There was not one note that you could call "commercial." There was no hook, nothing. It was crazy, I think it was called System of a Down." - Yngwie Malmsteen

I dont understand how that's a compliment.

Because....I'll just quote someone else...

Dodens Grav said:
Things that are "cacophonous," lacking "hooks" and are not "commercial" are generally considered positive qualities with regards to Metal. Considering Malmsteen's disdain for radio Metal, his being surprised by a (supposed) Metal band on the radio could only be interpreted as something that he sees as positive.

This is such a stupid fucking argument anyway, mainly because there's no way to tell what he means short of asking him.
Wings of a dream said:
Because....I'll just quote someone else...
That's bullshit.
Yngwie said it wasn't commercial, and that was the only compliment. Lacking 'hooks' too, perhaps, but 'cacophonous' in my language means 'suck'