Yngwie Malmsteen vs. Symphony X


Sodomizer of Mankind
Feb 22, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Just wondering what your thought were on who is a better band. In my opinion technically speaking on guitar Malmsteen is way better then Michael Romeo. But if it was band vs. band i believe Symphony X has a lot more depth then Malmsteens band. What are your thoughts?
Romeo is a more diverse guitarist than Malmsteen......I think Romeo could play everything that Malmsteen can but i'm not sure it would be the same the other way round. Malmsteen is great....don't get me wrong...he set the bar 20 odd years ago but there are plenty of guitarists that have been clearing it since.

As for band vs band......Symphony X are a band in the true sense of the word......Malmsteens guys are basically hired guns with little if no creative input.
Malmsteen could never write something as cool as the song 'The Odyssey'.
MJR is as good as YJM and YJM is as good as MJR

Band vs Band :confused: I dont even know who are the current YJM partners. I dont like YJM no more...I only know that Derek Sherinian is his keyboardist. Pinella is way better than him. Rising Force has been always a project not a band, and SymphonyX is a real band...The Best band i mean.
I love both of these artists, 2 of my favorites of all time. However, trying to compare the two is like comparing apples to oranges. I mean, I look at it like this: Before I ever heard Symphony X's music, what I had heard from other people was that they were a cross between Yngwie and Dream Theater. While I do agree with that in some instances, I don't completely agree. Symphony X is very different from both DT and Yngwie, but I would agree that maybe SX is a tad closer to Malmsteen. More neoclassical elements, which DT doesnt really do. Notice I said "tad", because that's where the similarties stop. What you need to realize is that Yngwie is a solo artist. Its his band, but what Yngwie says, goes. He's the dictator, he's the king in his world. Yngwie will tell you straight away that his band doesnt consist of a democracy. He may be open to suggestions, but ultimately he's going to go with HIS view. And thats his right, its his band, they are hired guns who last one album, one tour (usually lol), and on to the next group of players.
Symphony X is a band that consists of input from ALL the members. They feed off each other, work as a unit and for the most part, I think everyone has a chance to share their vision within the group and it works for them. I think they work more as unit. Yngwie is his own thing. One of the major differences you can see between the two is the diversity that SX has, that Yngwie lacks. If Yngwie was more open to other peoples suggestions, his more recent works would be a lot more diverse, but they aren't because is who he is, and he's not going to change. Am I disappointed in his lack of diversity? Absolutely.However, anyone who is familiar with Yngwie at this stage of the game knows what to expect from him, whereas SX has been a band that really gives something different with each album: Damnation was different from Divine, Divine different from Twilight, V different from Twilight, and of course, the Odyssey very different from V, etc. Look at Yngwie in the last 5 yrs in particular: Alchemy, though I thought it was OK, i didnt think it was great. War to End All Wars sounds no different than Alchemy, just has shittier production, and then of course we have Attack!...well, im not going to even get into that, lol....production on it is ok, but again, the album is flat to me. I'll always love Yng for Marching Out & Trilogy because I think those songs were better back then, I enjoyed his soloing better back then,and thats just me,but ill always be a fan, just not so much for his recent works.
Lastly, Im a guitarist of 14yrs, who's very much into the shred style. Im very proficient at is myself, and as far as Yngwie being more technical than Romeo, thats really at matter of opinion. If you listen to the Dark Chapter, you can tell that Romeo is just as technical as Yngwie, but what you need to realize is that Romeo is more of a songwriter than Yngwie is, so he doesnt feel the need to play clean picked, scaler sequences and sweep arpeggios on every solo. Sometimes he goes legato, sometimes he's playes is a bit slower. He's more diverse in that respect. Yngwie is only more technical MORE OFTEN because he's still concerned with putting his trademark shred solos into every song. Nothing wrong with that, thats his choice, but it makes him less diverse b/c everything tends to sound the same all the time. In fact, I think Yngwie shred's more now than he did during the pre-Odyssey days, before the accident. His techinque changed a lot after that. He's still fluid, but if you listen to his solos on Trilogy, Rising Force, Marching Out, Alctrazz, Steeler, you can hear the "attack" of his pick hitting the strings..in fact, I remember Romeo saying something about that regarding Yngwie. His techinque now is kinda blistering and it doesnt have the same feel, he's still awesome and all, but he's not the same.I'm glad Yngwie didnt sell out, im glad to hear he still does what he loves to do, but I wish he was more diverse. Peace :wave:
Aside from Romeo showing obvious influence from Yngwie in his solos at times, I don't think they are much alike. I think Yngwie is possibly the fastest and cleanest guitarist I've ever heard. However, he isn't that diverse, and after his first one or two albums he keeps essentially doing the same thing. Romeo seems to draw from more influences in his playing, and his solos tend to suite my tastes better. Symphony X overall also evolves more with each album. Regardless of who I feel is "better" at what, both are guitarists I highly admire.
ı am gonna say something of topic:
''Force, Marching Out, Alctrazz, Steeler, you can hear the "attack" of his pick hitting the strings..''

Altough his technique might have changed a little, that pickattack thing can have something to do with his different pickup config. in his earlier albums which ı liked more too.
Guys, seriously, Romeo is lightyears ahead of Malmsteen technically. But i have an enormous respect for Yngwie also, because if it were not for him, Symphony X may not have existed. Yngwie is an awesome guitarplayer. He`s got what others don`t have; -Flair-. I absolutely love his work, he`s an extremely cool guy i think. In addition, he has a very distinct tone and attack of the strings, you hear it instantly when he is playing. But Romeo is technically(plus he is a musical mastermind also) better;Fact.
I agree with Shredmaster completely...another reason why Romeo whips Ynwgie's ass is that his songs are more developed and can hardly be accused of being vehicles for his solos, he's more disciplined and less self-indulgent, and he doesn't treat his bandmates like absolute shit.
I really can't buy into all this crap that Romeo is better than Malmsteen or vice versa - even in technical terms. They are both complete masters of the instrument; however, their styles are very diverse. Saying Romeo can play Malmsteen but Malmsteen probably can't play Romeo is like saying Jim Carrey can do Anthony Hopkins but Hopkins can't do Carrey. There are no apples to compare here, other than the fact they both play the same instruments. Their styles are as diverse as their choice of pickups. It's just ludicrous to put opinions about somebody being able to play better than somebody else when they are both complete masters of their styles.

Malmsteen's newest, Attack, is leaps above his past few albums. His playing is much faster and more scary than I've heard since his first releases.

I love to listen to both players. If I want a heavier sound, I'll put the Symphony X in CD in the player; if I want something more mellow and classical, I'll listen to Malmsteen. If I really want to veg and get airy, I can't beat Vinnie Moore's Time Odyssey.
It baffles me when people say that Malmsteen and Romeo are technically on the same level, cause that is blatently not true in many regards. First off, Malmsteen could never come close to the tapping and string skipping stuff MJR does. When Malmsteen taps he looks like an amature. He really is focused around his runs and economy picking. But MJR matches him in speed, feel and cleanliness in both these catagories. All you need is to see those opening sweeps in Smoke and Mirrors to know that MJR has just as clean sweeping as Malmsteen, which is probably one of Yngwies claims to fame. In fact, Romeo does it much better technically, because he doesn't rush the turn arounds and picks them out, one of the hardest sweep related ideas to really nail. Malmsteen always rushes the turn arounds. You can hear him get off tempo on almost all the diminished runs he does most prominently. In terms of clean picked runs, MRJs picking technique is a lot more traditional in that he sticks to a strict alternation whereas Malmsteen economy picks a lot more. One is not better than the other, but they are defintly on par in this field, except that Malmsteen screws up a lot and covers it up by sliding and bending up a high note which is an easy way to cop out of a run you've lost steam with. MJR always knows where he's going and what he's doing. Also, keep in mind that Yngwie does not move out of harmonic minor and minor in his entire repitoir and his key changes are just stops and starts in a new key. MJR utilizes ideas of highlighting chords that are being played and various tensions with modal ideas. Also, his key changes are fluent and demostrate thought and direction, Yngwies are just sudden changes for the sake of a sudden change. MJR is technically so far beyond Malmsteen it's ridiculous. It's not even close, and it's defintly not subjective to individual tastes on style. Like whoever you want more, technically MJR takes the cake hands down.
I want to be the first to congratulate you on the world's most original thread. No seriously, this has NEVER been discussed before! You're the first! :D

Back on topic, i say romeo, simply because malmsteen does those intolerable Van Halen kicks in his live shows... ugh.
ı think its not really right to compare them because theyre very different but ı cant stop myself.
I think theyre technically the same because after a certain level(where you become a virtuoso)there is no better its just opinion.For ex:do you think Joe Satriani cant play Yngwies crazy runs?Of course he can if he wants but he doesnt because he is not Yngwie.
Same deal here Malmsteen used to practicing alot hours since he was young and became so comfortable with his instrument.ıf he wants to play romeo stuff(tapping ,str skipping)all he has to do is practice 5 hours a day for a week and he is done.Same deal with romeo.Its just their choice of style.
But obviously ı think playing romeo stuff is harder than Malmsteen(Actualy Malmteens attack might change my idea anytime)
As for Malmsteen versus MJR - they're both masters, who cares? I will say this - Malmsteen is cleaner live. MJR's effortless and all, but it gets sloppy at points. And Malmsteen owns sweep picking, I'll take that to my grave. Ever hear his instructional stuff? Clean and distorted, any number of strings, any speed, any direction, he can do it perfectly. And the dude's using high action, thin strings, low distortion, and single coil pickups! You know how perfect you have to play to shred like that?

As for the bands, SX is way better. BUT, Yngwie revolutionized the metal scene like few others, and SX played his style for the first two albums. So it's not right to even compare them, really. Both rock.
I'm a huge fan of both, and have been a hardcore Yngwie fan since 1983, and of Michael since the first SX release. There are definitely some similarities between the two, in a good way, but the differences are enough to put them in two different genres (maybe "sub-genres" is more appropriate) for me. Playing styles are different, as are their types of melody. I assume that one of them is better at certain things than the other, but at the level that they are both at, it makes no difference to me.

Either way, I'm seeing Yngwie here in Tucson two weeks from today. I'm taking my two oldest boys. It'll be the first concert for the younger of the two (he's almost 16), and the first good concert for the older (almost 18). (Well, the Aquabats show was a lot of fun, but still...)
theodyssey said:
I want to be the first to congratulate you on the world's most original thread. No seriously, this has NEVER been discussed before! You're the first! :D
:lol: :lol:

My $.02 is that I don't feel the need to rank them. I've loved Yngwie's music for 20 years now (omg I'm old :lol: ), & I love SymX's music, why fuss over who's better? Never will understand that. *shrug*
SyXified said:
It baffles me when people say that Malmsteen and Romeo are technically on the same level, cause that is blatently not true in many regards. First off, Malmsteen could never come close to the tapping and string skipping stuff MJR does. QUOTE]

So now the question becomes who's the better tapper of the two? We can take it a step further then - Ricky Skaggs is the god of all guitar because his banjo rolls are unmatched by either Michael Romeo or Yngwie Malmsteen. And he does it all on a steel-stringed acoustic. We can open this discussion up to any guitar player with a niche style that no other guitar player can cop fluently. Stanley Jordan, anybody? Wanna compare tapping abilities?

Style again becomes my argument - MJR and YJM are both masters of their styles and the guitar in general to suit their styles. There is not comparison between their two styles and judging one over the other is nothing but stating an opinion as to your taste in music.