Yngwie Parody Vids??


Sep 21, 2005
New York
I wanted to show a friend since I think they are hilarious and I've searched around and can't seem to find any...I remember a few were posted here on the forum, any links guys?
Wait, WHAT?!?!?! You mean that "Super Awesome Guitar God" video and such is no more? What a fat fascist fuck...I hope at least that Petrucci one is still up where he says "and this is my guitar tech, Yngwie Malmsteen; I found him rotting in a ditch, he claims he had a career once, I don't believe a word that comes out of his fat mouth, he just sits around eating cheesecake all day" :lol:

EDIT: Here we are

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I actually found one on myspace of all places...I really want the one when he compares his penis to god's...thats hilarious:lol:

Did he unleash the fucking fury on youtube?

lolz.. is that audio still floating around somewhere.. of the airplane incident "unleashed the fucking fury"? someone should make a cartoon to go along with that for youtube..
Well no wonder; the videos are heralding Petrucci as a god and Yngwie as a fat waste of life - so in other words, the truth hurts!
I absolutely love Malmsteen, he made that style of guitar happen...no one can argue or take that away from him. However, those videos were funny as shit and if he can't take the joke, well that sucks for him.
Pantera tries to give Yngwie some donuts...
