Yo Kevin

Not really. Most of the people I know who are really into black metal also listen to a wide variety of other metalz. Hell, I know people who are really into BM who also like BTBAM.
Me too. It's because you and me, we're smart. And we associate ourselves with like-minded individuals.

See thats pretty cool, I dig that. I guess I like 'em when they aren't trying to be all deathy or whatever. And I bet 5 shekels that within 2 minutes after that cool solo they went all stupidly wanky heavy while some 14 year old kid karate kicks his way through the mosh pit lolol
I love how they say fuck it and put in whatever they want. And I think they do the "deathy" thing better than most bands that focus only on that. To me they rise above most by default simply for keeping a rad groove without staying in 4/4 all the time.

And I just remembered their live DVD just came out!

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See thats pretty cool, I dig that. I guess I like 'em when they aren't trying to be all deathy or whatever. And I bet 5 shekels that within 2 minutes after that cool solo they went all stupidly wanky heavy while some 14 year old kid karate kicks his way through the mosh pit lolol

actually it doesn't.

I love how they say fuck it and put in whatever they want. And I think they do the "deathy" thing better than most bands that focus only on that. To me they rise above most by default simply for keeping a rad groove without staying in 4/4 all the time.

And I just remembered their live DVD just came out!

That was pretty cool, thats the kind of stuff that they do that I like.
The answer can be found at about 2:55 of the last vid you posted. Kids love them breakdowns :ill:
Dude they hang out on that breakdown for all of about 8 seconds and there's not another one in the song. They hardly ever do it and they get labeled "core". It makes no sense to me. Is that all it takes? Just a few seconds of breakdown in an entire album of progressive, forward thinking, melody and time changing to get mallrats from all over the suburbs to spend their allowance on you?

It seriously confuses me how fast people write them off as "core" anything. I guess it's the vocals.