Yooooooooooooo its been a long time since i uploaded any new shit of mine here, the time has come though!
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15344936/Song 4 - Mastered mp3333.mp3
Its double tracked with my good ole shecter 7 string with a blackout, and my amp sims and shit is TSE X50 (newest version) some kind of engl impulse and a touch of EQing afterwards
the bass ia my pitch shifted guitar through various amp sims
The drums are just samples and cymbals from addictive drums
Its a rough mix and still needs a bit more editing, but it gives ye all a rough idea of the song
I'm waiting for my lead guitarist to re-record my crappy played lead guitars on the song, and for him to record his solos
Let me know what you think and tear it apart muthafuckas!
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15344936/Song 4 - Mastered mp3333.mp3
Its double tracked with my good ole shecter 7 string with a blackout, and my amp sims and shit is TSE X50 (newest version) some kind of engl impulse and a touch of EQing afterwards
the bass ia my pitch shifted guitar through various amp sims
The drums are just samples and cymbals from addictive drums
Its a rough mix and still needs a bit more editing, but it gives ye all a rough idea of the song

I'm waiting for my lead guitarist to re-record my crappy played lead guitars on the song, and for him to record his solos
Let me know what you think and tear it apart muthafuckas!