BTW, I'd like to point out that this is NOT safe for work due to the LOUD music.
(Seriously, it's louder than that damned blue-ball machine. )
I am a rare goliath who likes to hang elves.
(Which is true, but I'd allow drow elves to live. )
I'm also a tame salad buffet who likes to wake divas.
Umm, so there!!!
What the hell is the blue ball machine?
I dated a couple in my younger years....
Only took 5 tries before it didn't have something to do with sex or genitals.
What the hell is wrong with being related to sex or genitals???
(Not that I am, of course... I'm just... uh... curious! Yeah, that's it...)
notworthy"You are a metal check who likes to go home now."
MetalRose, I think that one was meant to be yours.