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Sep 7, 2005
New York
Blaming Bush alone for the tragedy in N.O. is like Rosie O'donnel blaming spoons for her being fat. The fact of the matter is, we are not a Federalist state. What that means is, the federal gov't cannot just come into our states with the military and take over. They have to be invited by the governor. If you are going to lay blame, educate yourself first. "Even if you are a Bush support, think for a second...Oh I bet you have some answer if you are a Bush supporter, nevermind." I think you need to take a look in the mirror. It is your own narrow-mindedness that leaves you at the same final solution, this is George Bush's fault. That should be your personal motto "George's fault".
You fellas live in NYC. Look at how gracefull and honorable Juliani and Pataki responded to an attack that we had no prior warning of. Now take a moment and think about how Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco have totally shit their pants. They had prior notice and they haven't handled this 1/2 as well as the 9/11 tragedy was handled.
Instead of using B-grade celebrity to force your opinions on us, use it to keep giving us the great music we love. I wish you all the best in the world but please, don't hang all of this on one guy. Hang in on everyone. FEMA, Nagin, Blanco and Bush.
Look at the huge budget cuts imposed on the New Orleans flood defences, meaning that the local authoroties were unable to have the level of preperation required in the event of somthing like a hurricane. Not imposed by the State, but by the Federal Government, headed by George Bush.
This is one level-headed, reasonable, friendly fucking board. "Suck me, suck yourself, blah blah blah fucking blah."
Gibba said:
Look at the huge budget cuts imposed on the New Orleans flood defences, meaning that the local authoroties were unable to have the level of preperation required in the event of somthing like a hurricane. Not imposed by the State, but by the Federal Government, headed by George Bush.
I don't agree with that. Where did you read that? I would be interested in reading that. Even if true, wouldn't that make Congress just as liable?
shhhhhh........ don't let the sheep know that there is more than one part of the government. we just want them to follow mindlessly like zombies.

ummmm..... i mean, everyone knows that there are 3 parts to our government. and that we can't solely blame one person.

ooooh it's your fault there was a big fuckin' storm. you, you, you.......... :Spin:
Gibba said:
Vital measures to protect New Orleans from "catastrophic" hurricane damage were scrapped by the Bush administration to pay for its wars on terror and in Iraq, despite official warnings of impending disaster.
This article does not site any specific cuts. All broad generalizations.

Funding for flood prevention was slashed by 80 per cent, work on strengthening levees to protect the city was stopped for the first time in 37 years, Each one of the levees has their own governing board. Again, this story is broad and general. and planning for housing stranded citizens and evacuating refugees from the Superdome were crippled.These types of funds are sought on the state level. Yet the administration had been warned repeatedly of the dangers by its own officials.By whom were they warned? If they were repeatedly warned, certainly they could provide us with one source. This article is no more knowledge based than if you or I wrote it. I do however appreciate you sending me the link. There is some interesting things here. Matt
fah-q said:
You fellas live in NYC. Look at how gracefull and honorable Juliani and Pataki responded to an attack that we had no prior warning of.
Who the fuck is Juliani? Oh, that's that Julio character :loco:
Seriously, Giuliani and Pataki did their good job with a fucking lot of the federal funding. Gracefully, honorably... Who's now worshipping 2nd grade celebrities?.. By the way, we know who fucked up with 9/11 too...
Who the fuck is Juliani? Oh, that's that Julio character :loco:
Seriously, Giuliani and Pataki did their good job with a fucking lot of the federal funding. Gracefully, honorably... Who's now worshipping 2nd grade celebrities?.. By the way, we know who fucked up with 9/11 too...

Even though I think that Giuliani did a really awesome job, I don't think you can compare the hurricane to 9/11. They are very different situations.
Who the fuck is Juliani? Oh, that's that Julio character :loco:
Seriously, Giuliani and Pataki did their good job with a fucking lot of the federal funding. Gracefully, honorably... Who's now worshipping 2nd grade celebrities?.. By the way, we know who fucked up with 9/11 too...

2nd grade celebreties? Leaders of our country are far more important than drummers. Regardless of how much we love their music. Wake up. Who did fuck up 9/11? Enlighten us with your wisdom.