"You don't just bump into someone on the street and start having sex."

^ Actually, the show was filmed in LA, except for the parts where they walk in the streets,
and that actually was filmed in NYC.
The sow however, is based on REAL places in New York...
The Restaurant, actually is a real place, including the soup nazi
and the rest of the places...

best show evah!!!
Still makes me laugh even though I've seen it 18767567 times! :tickled:
I bet erik sits at home and laughs his ass off to "Everybody Loves Raymond" before coming on here to tell the rest of us how mainstream our jewish asses are. :)
I don't think i've ever actually managed to sit through a single episode of Friends or Everybody Loves Raymond, but then again it doesn't take half an hour to lose all faith in the human race does it?
Erik said:
100% of everything on tv is shit

recently at work some folks were having an actual discussion about "everybody loves raymond". when they noticed i was eavesdropping, they asked, "do you watch it?" and i was just like, "uuhhhh....no."
i didnt have the heart to tell them to pull their heads out of their asses. one was my boss, so.....
i can't count the number of times i've told my boss to get his head out of his ass for watching everybody loves raymond. and my boss is my dad :erk:
makes TV worth watching:

Rescue Me
The Shield
Seinfeld re-runs
Married With Children re-runs

and that new FX show called THief looks badass.
The shield is amazing. Been seeing the ad for thief and it looks pretty good too. If you like the shield J, you should check out The wire it's suppose to be very good.
i'm one of the few who just got in to The Shield. i must say, the interplay between forrest whittaker and michael chicklets is fun to watch. im thinkin' about getting the dvd seasons.

cannot wait for season 3 of Rescue Me.
Yea, forrest's character is so explosive, any second he can lose it. You really should get the other seasons on dvd, theres ALOT of backstory especially with him now going after the strike team.
no one mentioned "my name is earl" yet have they? best american comedy in YEARS. possibly better than seinfeld