you guys do realise leg warmers are making a comeback, right?

avant garde!

people look dumpy in overalls. only my friend j looks hot in overalls. actually, he even looks hot in yellow wool pants and an american flag muscle tank top... hm...

anyway, no on the overalls. i would wear legwarmers before overalls.
worst fashion trend of last year (and the previous): the Captain Caveman top.


tar: "i have a couple of those!"
blah! those shirts look sooooo uncomfortable. never mind if you have like, ANY boobs at all the shirt shifts all over the place.
yeah i have to admit that, while i am like super totally cute on my own, that sweater makes me irresistable ... but only when the neck is properly sewn (THX PREP)
i need to ask...were leg warmers around before the 80s? like, utilitarian leg warmers? or did that great and mighty decade birth them like klara hitler pooping out her son?
leg warmers are mad old. i have a picture of my gramma wearing them while she is dancing, in the 30's when she was a fashion model. she said people wore them to protect their shins during ballet practice from bruises on the bar.
also, construction dudes wore them sometimes! to increase the lifespan of their pants.
this may or may not be OT, but what about those things that people in the cowboy movies wore, those sort of boot stirrup things? was that just to keep the dust off of the boots?

the pro wrestler known as the undertaker used to wear them, so i was thinking they may have been to conserve calf/shin heat, because he was dead and, well, needed it.
i have had it with this thread unless anyone wants to talk about how cute i am some more. sorry, that's just the way these things go sometimes. i can't take all this ignorance to dance culture, fruity as it may be.