You have to hear this: EPIC audition for vocals.


Jun 3, 2006
What makes this crazy, is the vocalist that auditioned was 100% straight faced serious.

UPDATE: It tickled a thrash unlimited member so much, he did a video for it:

Lich Kings guitarist did the vid.

This isnt my experience, just passing it on from another forumite.

From rbasaria on HC


Bringing some epic singer audition lulz
So, a few years ago, we tried out a singer for our band....and these are some hilarious recordings he did that night.

We did master of puppets....if you turn it up loud, you can hear me playing it (very sloppily) through a crate blue voodoo halfstack

Some original stuff that he wanted to record...

And the best one, one of our songs that he sent us like 2 weeks later with lyrics he had done over it...
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Some details on the dude:
I really wish we would have video this....the guy comes in and sits on my friends computer chair. He didnt know the lyrics to master of puppets, so he had to look them up online...I told him like 3 days in advance to learn them. He puts his feet with shoes on up on my buddys bed. Then he starts singing. He had no control over his breathing, and would be running out of air for longer passages....his whole face would be red as fuck...his head too...he had his head shaved...O man....memories haha.
He had this piece of paper with lyrics scribbled all over it that he was singing off of...he kept talking about how he likes to write about government and philosophy.


Sounds like me (if I drank) totally fucking wasted and recording myself. I DO have the brains to hit the delete button, though. LOL
That Master of Puppets audition reminded me of this video. I was at this music festival thing that I do every year with a bunch of friends and we pulled Master of Puppets out of our ass, with this little kid singing it. He sounded way better than that dude, haha.

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