you know they will make new cd

DarbysDad said:
I really don't want this line up to record a new album. It would just be a new time capsule when we got plenty of great ones to listen to already.

I'm pissed I'm going to miss Sundays show because I would love to see this line up live one more time.

As for another Saint album I don't know haven't thought about it yet as it might be a new time capsule like a new album with this Anthrax reunion lineup.

My wish is for the band to move forward with John and Rob after this reunion tour is over.

And yes l think both John and Joey kick ass.
DD, I'm curious as to why so many people feel that Anthrax can't move forward with Joey and Dan in the line-up. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I personally don't see it that way at all. They continued to move forward with them before if you listen to the old albums. I think they could make a really good follow up to WCFYA! Either way, with Joey or John, I'll be on board!
I think they'll record with Joey & Dan too. :erk: As far as them moving farther forward with this lineup, I don't see that happening. I dig the old stuff with Belladonna, but Bush has what it takes to take them farther now vocally than Joey does. The only reason things are crazy now is because it's a nostalgic reunion tour, people dig that stuff. Once that all wears down that'll be that. John appeals more to the younger crowds I think than Joey does, fuck, at the Dimebag benefit show Anthrax tore the fucking roof off, I don't think Joey singing would've appealed to the crowd as much as John did. Plus, if they did keep Joey you know they wouldn't just throw away the last 4 albums. I'm sorry, but Joey's vocals would destroy any song from SOWN to WCFYA. Could you really see him singing What Doesn't Die or Inside Out?? What would be kinda cool is if they got John and Joey. Breakup the shows 50/50 and same with albums, they could also have them sing new songs together like they did when they covered Ball Of Confusion, that way everyone is happy. And then once again Anthrax fans can come here and live in harmony. :D
I am the younger crowd and I know guys far younger than me who were psyched about having Joey back!

I would love to hear another killer ANTHRAX release again after "Persistence of time"

There's enough bands out there for the "younger" crowd...ANTHRAX will never appeal to trhe younger crowd like SOAD and all that nu crap..simply because they are OLD!!!!
I saw them open for Motörhead in 2002 too. It was in Munich, Germany and probably the best Anthrax show I´ve been to.
And pro-recorded you think the vocals will have to be redone in studio? That´s the only way I could imagine it.
johnnieCzech said:
I saw them open for Motörhead in 2002 too. It was in Munich, Germany and probably the best Anthrax show I´ve been to.
And pro-recorded you think the vocals will have to be redone in studio? That´s the only way I could imagine it.

Maybe add a little....just like they did on so many other DVD's! every bootleg you hear sounds like shit why do you think all these live DVD always sound so much better???
spacebeer said:
Maybe add a little....just like they did on so many other DVD's! every bootleg you hear sounds like shit why do you think all these live DVD always sound so much better???

well not to generalize, I can tell you I´ve heard some bootlegs by various bands that sounded even better than the official cds, it´s probably individual thing.
well then let's just wait and see....

I must have only heard the exceptions then...honestly I have never heard a bootleg sounding better than an official release and believe me I have quite an extensive collection, actually it's funny to hear the diffrence between the bootlegs and the official recordings.

we can talk about it long and short but 90% of the reviews of the ANTHRAX shows till now have been raving, I thought they kicked mighty ass at Dynamo and now it´s to Charlie and Scott (sad but true) to decide...

Even if they made another album with Bush and it would sound like where Persistence left off I think I'd still be happy....but there's also a possibility Both singers will not record with ANTHRAX no more!
I'm a big Anthrax fan either way, but I'm on the side of Bush.

But I guess if he doesn't get back with 'Thrax, then that might give me some motivation to check out Armoured Saint.
I think the only Armoured Saint song I've heard is the one they're singing at the night club in Hellraiser 3.

Maybe pin-head should sing on the next Anthrax album.
Imagine that - Hellraiser singing "Raise Hell"
If the reunion lineup can make a better album then W.C.F.Y.A I say go for it,it will be tough to make a better album.I too like all three singers in the band (yes I seen all three sing live) what would be cool for a new release, have Neil,Joey,and John sing on it,with new songs,and a remake of an old song with all three, each taking a verse & chorus,that would be cool. :D :headbang:
I don;t think it's that tough to beat WCFYA.......

actually IMO they never beat the old albums EVER! Strange thing is some guys say ANTHRAX sounds "dated" with Joey singing, but AMOURED SAINT shure as hell sounds more dated than ANTHRAX ever did and is by far not as heavy (still like em though)!
Hmmm,Well I still play W.C.F.Y.A alot more than P.O.T,I mean I loved(still do) the early stuff when they came out but S.T.D sounds too tinny to me now.I seen Joey solo live last August he Kicked ass man, I'm going to go see them live on this tour too,and I know i'll leave with a smile on my face like every time I see Anthrax,

Joey sounds dated imo, NO. :headbang:
You should they put on a helluva show everywhere they go I have read (just check this forum too) almost exclusively rave reviews!

I can imagine you think the production of the old discs doesn't sound on par with the modern day production (which doesn't bother me at all BTW!) but for me it's the music that counts...

Of course I have to agree that soundwise WCFYA sounds better than Spreading the Disease, still I like STD 1000 x better musically!

I still think the old ANTHRAX albums are all very well produced if you considder the era they were recorded.
Oh of course!! Each Anthrax album got better as they went along,I didnt like S.O.E it did sound to me like they almost went pop metal,luckily Finale saved that album.To me they did get back on the right track with P.O.T.but to me Joey did soundkinda out of place,dont get me wrong In my World was fantastic.That album I still listen to out of any of the Joey era Anthrax albums. I still listen to Fistful of Metal every now & then because it is a great album.but I still think that songwriting, Playing,Production etc.W.C.F.Y.A is there best L.P. :headbang:
Possible, I don;t like that album at all, IMO SOWN is the "best" bush era CD but I still don;t like it as much as the earlier albums...

I think State Of Euphoria is the "weakest" Joey era album but I recently really got into it, that one has a killer production and awesome guitar tone...I actually like the production on that disc the best of any ANTHRAX CD.

Songwriting wise it''d be a close call between Spreading and Among, they never IMO wrote such classics as "NFL", "Medusa", "AIR", "AMong The Living", "Armed and Dangerous", "Aftershock", "Gung Ho", "Caught In A MOsh" or "Indians" again!
Those are all Classic great Anthrax songs. I have to play S.O.E again I haven't heard it in a long time.I just like W.C.F.Y.A alot.

With the Bush era you got "Only" "Room for One More" "Random Acts Of Senseless Violence" "Fuled" "Nothing". Inside Out" "What Doesn't Die". It's all good Metal!! :headbang:
Quote" My wish is for the band to move forward with John and Rob after this reunion tour is over. And yes l think both John and Joey kick ass. "

I agree.
I was super super super stoked to see the show the other night in Sydney, but gimme a John Bush fronted Anthrax any day. Volume 8 is my favourite Anthrax record, and yeah, it isn't thrash like the old stuff (which I absolutely LOVE) but, it's just got it all for me.

I like a lotta stuff on WCFYA but overall, I find it a bit tedious at points. But I can see how lotsa people totally love it tho, cos it is a great record, just not enough of the kinda songs I personally prefer. I like the more melodic, groove driven heavy stuff I spose (whatever that is).

Can't wait for my next live John Bush fix. I don't think he'd be so much of a pussy to read too much into the fact that these guys are playing with the JB/Spitz line-up. They're all mates afterall, not lovers.
I hope they do it! It will be the first Thrax album I would have bought since SOWN which I thought was pretty weak. I did download WCFYA because of all the hype and thought that was pretty over rated too.