Will you buy the new Anthrax cd with 'reunuion' lineup ?

Will you buy the new cd ?????

  • For sure, without a doubt !

    Votes: 49 62.0%
  • No way, take me back to the times of John and Rob

    Votes: 30 38.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Darby, tell me, what's really special 'bout Metal Thrashing Mad.

But maybe noone here understands me if I'm saying that my favs Anthrax Albums are Stomp and Vol8.
WCFYA was kinda average, IMHO...

Edit: Why put it down, it serves me well...
Never liked the older albums, they sound like "just another 80's metalband".
i get the feeling you were maybe not on the planet in the 80's. there are those who did and, those that copied. anthrax was in the front part of the pack helping define a form of metal that was new and emerging in america. part of the big 4. but that was "back in the day". i was there beer can held high and saluting the flag of real 80's metal !
MyHatred said:
So you are saying that you will buy the album if John Bush comes back then too? :Smug: Somehow I doubt it. I think TattooedSean made the most reasonable post in this thread and hit the nail right on the head. When bands try relive the glory days and catch the same vibe of a time period, it usually ends up sounding cheesy and forced.

Of course i'd buy it i have all the bush era albums and dvd, (Don't own all the joey era stuff), what im saying is why affiliate yourself with a message board of a band, which for the time being you dont want to support, ie. if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all and become a lurker :rock:
I don;t get it, I hated the JOhn BUsh discs but I still have em, I buy almost all thrash metal discs that are released it's a matter of supporting metal! I even bought the last ASASSIN disc which really sucked BTW....I mean hell, a CD costs $ 15
I'll buy it purely coz its Anthrax ... simple as that. I worry about the quality later. I just love supporting the band regardless of the lineup.

If Iglesius came back then I would buy 2 copies. One can only hope.
Actually I don't think I posted my opinion and I wrote the thread !!!!!!!

I would most definately grab a copy - I have pretty much everything else they have done and while many albums are different in terms of sound blah blah, it's still Anthrax to me !!!!!!!!!!
reidie said:
why affiliate yourself with a message board of a band, which for the time being you dont want to support, ie. if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all and become a lurker :rock:

Why didn't you affiliate yourself with the message board prior to April 2005? Have you just been lurking for the past 15 years? Like I said before, nothing wrong with an opinion, but don't come on to a board that's been well established for many years and tell us that our opinion is wrong. It's a fucking opinion, and I'm entitled to state mine just as much as you're entitled to state yours. If you don't like my opinion, I'm not going to leave just because you're unhappy about it. If you want to discuss it, welcome to the board. But if you think the only people that should be here are the ones that share your opinion, then you are the one that should fuck off, and go create an "I agree with everything that reidie says" message board.
nafnikufesin said:
Why didn't you affiliate yourself with the message board prior to April 2005? Have you just been lurking for the past 15 years? Like I said before, nothing wrong with an opinion, but don't come on to a board that's been well established for many years and tell us that our opinion is wrong. It's a fucking opinion, and I'm entitled to state mine just as much as you're entitled to state yours. If you don't like my opinion, I'm not going to leave just because you're unhappy about it. If you want to discuss it, welcome to the board. But if you think the only people that should be here are the ones that share your opinion, then you are the one that should fuck off, and go create an "I agree with everything that reidie says" message board.

Why? Because i was unaware of its existance.

*Goes off to create an "I agree with everything that reidie says" board :lol:
It's Anthrax - I support them no matter what - I'll buy it.

Anyways, has Anthrax ever put out a shit record?
I think the street teamers should get a free copy from Sanctuary records.
Since that'll NEVER happen. I'll just have to buy the import version on Nuclear Blast.
I'll never lift a finger for ANYTHING Sanctuary does, let alone buy an album on that piece of shit label.
Nuclear Blast rules.
ThraxDude--why the hatred towards Sanctuary? Really, I'm ignorant; an honest question. I assumed they were fine as Maiden's management started it, but of course that is total blindness on my part. Nuclear Blast does kick ass, it seems; never heard anything negative about them.
What does that bloody re-union mean?
For me, Anthrax´ve lost their self respect.
No matter what they say into the media...

Yes, I would never buy an re-union album, I´wouldn´t even download it...
It will be such a crap... Just take a look at post-reunion Iron Maiden albums or any other shitty band ever re-unioned...
There is one exception only - VOIVOD !!! And it was not a re-union actually!
Jason just joined the band and Snake returned...

I hope Sepultura will never get back together with Max again - the only good band still remaining on its new way!!!
Drokk said:
ThraxDude--why the hatred towards Sanctuary? Really, I'm ignorant; an honest question. I assumed they were fine as Maiden's management started it, but of course that is total blindness on my part. Nuclear Blast does kick ass, it seems; never heard anything negative about them.
They don't promote Anthrax. They were disrespectful towards the Official Anthrax Street team when I tried to get promotional items for The Greater Of Two Evils. When we kept the song "Safe Home" number 1 on a radio station for 21 weeks in a row, someone from Sanctuary Records told us to let Tesla win; we kept voting for Anthrax so they pulled "Safe Home" from the poll.
Thanks to Sanctuary, I had to ship promotional GOTE stickers myself, and if it wasn't for Charlie and Izzy, I never would've been paid back.
Do you want me to go on?

Meanwhile, Nuclear Blast sends out promotional items to Danny Gombert's team and promote Anthrax.
I would definately buy it as I buy every Anthrax album the day it comes out but I do hope if they do in fact put out an album that it has something fresh to offer, I do not really want to hear them try to re-create among the living. And if they do an album with John then I will buy that too.
it does not matter to me sings in anthrax....just be a fan of MUSIC..its not a sport just music.... :Spin:
Never liked the older albums, they sound like "just another 80's metalband".

I actually found there work far more original than alot of the stuff they have been doing in recent years...Anthrax had a totally original sound in those days..they lost alot of that on albums like Stomp and Vol. 8..and Scott's playing is just so much better on the early stuff...Among the Living and Persistence of Time IS the Scott Ian guitar style/sound IMHO.