You know what sucks? Thomann.


Anssi Tenhunen
I ordered the Peavey Windsor + Harley Benton 2x12 cab from Thomann on October 14. Both were in stock then and I paid the bill the next day when I got it in the email. They recieved the cash on October 20. The Peavey went out of production on October 29 and the Harley Benton went out of stock on October 26.

I got really pissed off because Jarkko Mattheiszen got his Peavey+HB combo before me even tho he ordered it after me, but payed with a credit card. (I have nothing against Jarkko tho, he's a good guy) I emailed Thomann wtf is this and they said that they have a Windsor waiting for me, but they are still waiting for the cab.

Anyways the next batch was supposed to arrive this week, on November 17 IIRC. Well guess what? Now on the website says it is out of stock again and the next batch is supposed to arrive on December 9, which is like Wednesday and they will most likely take about 2-3 days to arrange all shit like they have taken with all of my 13 multi-item orders so far I've recieved from Thomann (I ordered a lot of small stuff too), so that means they can most likely ship it on December 14 (Monday) the earliest.

If they ship it then, it usually takes about one week for the package to come to Finland from Thomann and guess what? It's christmas time when it arrives and the shipment won't most likely move during that time and the second the thing is that I most likely won't be home when it arrives because I'm most likely gonna be at my parents' place by then for christmas, meaning that I will get it by January the earliest unless a miracle happens. :mad:



And now I will post a picture of Kari Sweets to make me feel better:

You could have posted a hotter chick tho

It's weird they didn't have Harley Benton in stock. What the fuck? They always have that shit on stock!
Sorry to hear that man.

My experiences with Thomann were really good for the most part. They shipped the cab here to Australia as soon as the money cleared. The problem that I had was that the local Australian postal system totally fucked up the logs and lost track of the order (naturally). Everything Thomann did was spot-on, so I can't fault them. Cab even got here in one piece, even after the retards at the post office call center repeatedly told me 'it never logged as entering Australia'.

Btw @pic: wowfuck!
Can you really blame the retailer for the lack of stock being delivered? If HB or it's distributor told Thomann that it would come on the date, then Thomann aren't to blame if it didn't happen.
Can you really blame the retailer for the lack of stock being delivered? If HB or it's distributor told Thomann that it would come on the date, then Thomann aren't to blame if it didn't happen.

Harley Benton doesn't really exist outside Thomann, it's just a random name they've come up with to stamp on products made in random parts of the world for as cheap as it gets. Just like t.bone, t.amp, and Millenium. Kind of off-topic though.

Anyway, you're probably right about the unknown manufacturer somewhere in Asia not giving them a right date.
Can you really blame the retailer for the lack of stock being delivered? If HB or it's distributor told Thomann that it would come on the date, then Thomann aren't to blame if it didn't happen.
They shouldn't sell something they don't have yet. That or put "out-of-stock" or "pre-order" or some kind of similar shit.
i'd wager that if you call and bitch and ask to talk to a manager, you could either have a portion of the sale price refunded, or get a big-ass coupon off of a future purchase or something...
They do. They put the amount of stock their have under the item listing. Sometimes these things just happen though, it's bad luck more than anything.

Once your government-owned, national postal system start bending you over THEN you get a right to complain :lol:
Our banks charge us to do direct transfers here. Never ends up being worth it. It's credit/debit card or nothing in the US.
ask for a refund - its a breach of contract on their behalf and they have to take the bank charge hit by law, i ran into the same suituation with dabs uk when ordering a printer a few months ago. website said it was in stock, ordered it, it became out of stock, waited a week for the restock, then received shipping details to say it had been dispatched. 2 weeks later no printer, called them and they said it was out of stock so i chewed their faces off and got my dosh back AND i managed to get my dabs account credited with 50 quid because of their fuckup

ask for a refund - its a breach of contract on their behalf and they have to take the bank charge hit by law, i ran into the same suituation with dabs uk when ordering a printer a few months ago.

I don't want my money back, I just want my stuff...

Actually it's not a breach of contract, because they force you to accept their terms and conditions when ordering, and in their terms and condition is this:

"The firm Musikhaus Thomann e.K. reserves the right to deny the promised service subsequent to determining that the goods are no longer available, both 1) after contractual settlement and 2) although a corresponding hedging transaction has been concluded. In such a case, the customer will be notified immediately. All reciprocations and considerations of any kind provided by the customer beforehand will be reimbursed without delay. It is then excluded that futher legal claims be raised by the customer against the firm Musikhaus Thomann e.K.."
That sucks man, I've only have had good experiences with thomann. I always pay on the fly with credit card and I usually get all my stuff a week after. But I know when shit hits the fan and a order becomes out of the ordinary it ALWAYS takes alot extra time to manually process it.

Hope you get it before christmas though, the HB 2x12 is a fucking sweet deal.
I have to say that my experiences with Thomann always went exceptionally well, especially when something went wrong.
Once they shipped something damaged. I called them, there was no discussion at all - they immediately shipped out a new one, arrived the next day. I was told to send back the broken one using the box the new one comes in (no shipping fees for me of course).
Now, with about every other company, you have to send in the broken stuff first so they can look at it and then send you a replacement.
So, If I were you I would really call them. From my experience they were always helpful. I've countless times changed or cancelled an order that was already placed but not shipped yet. There was never ever even a discussion about that.
And btw, of course it's a good idea to pay with credit card if possible, because they only charge you right before your package is shipping. I mean, that's the worst thing of your situation i guess, that it's already paid.
Seems that luck has turn the back on you, man (or maybe you have an enemy in Thomann :lol:).

I ordered stuff 5-6 times to Thomann and never had a problem. But I totally agree with you with this credit card shit. I don't own a credit card (but I have debit) and I hate it when I can't make a phone/net reservation in a hotel,car rental,etc without a credit card number. Most places wont even allow a transfer with enough time to verify it. In this cases I use my brother's card (or even my drummer's sometimes :rolleyes:).

I ordered Dell a laptop the 4th of this month and the estimated arrival date is "9 dec or earlier". FFFUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! them too :heh:

I own a HB 2x12 with V30s and I'm really happy with it.