You know what sucks? Thomann.

Don't worry. Your stuff will arrive soon. I had the same problem with DV last year. The site said IN STOCK but after the order and the payment it changed in WILL ARRIVE IN 3-12 DAYS. Initially I was very angry but I understood it's not a shop was (and it's) a retailers problem. I remember I checked Thomann and it had the same products not it was a distribution problem.
I've also ordered numerous times without any problems, but when I wanted to have some things delivered to my alternate address in Portugal (the studio and the company address is in Sweden) they simply REFUSED to let me use my VAT number which was just utterly ridiculous. I do business with numerous other companies all the time and it has never been any problem (the only requirement is that the goods get exported). I had a long and very annoying email feud with them about it, until I decided to stop wasting my time with that bullshit and ordered from instead.

I'm still pissed off about it though, as you probably notice, hehe...
Within the European Union, bank transfers between countries are free regardless of the sum transfered. I think it's free or with just a token expense (a few euros) even to non-EU countries in Europe.
Nope, depends on the bank. Around here it's around 25 euro in many cases because SWIFT fees or something. I've tried ordering via debit card but it seems they can't charge them properly. It's a good thing Music-Store added CoD for Bulgaria, it's 15 euro but at least its very convinient and safe.
I ordered my ENGL 412 VS (black) a month ago. I wanted it to arrive on 13th november, thomann said that it's ok.
It will be delivered tomorrow. -.-

I buyed about 20 things from Thomann, and until now they were really fast (if you order with credit card / cash-on-delivery)
I hate bank transfers, too.
Another shop in Germany offers "real" online banking. You enter your bank data on the webpage and its immediately delivered because they get the receipt at once (not the money, though)
I don't want my money back, I just want my stuff...

Actually it's not a breach of contract, because they force you to accept their terms and conditions when ordering, and in their terms and condition is this:

"The firm Musikhaus Thomann e.K. reserves the right to deny the promised service subsequent to determining that the goods are no longer available, both 1) after contractual settlement and 2) although a corresponding hedging transaction has been concluded. In such a case, the customer will be notified immediately. All reciprocations and considerations of any kind provided by the customer beforehand will be reimbursed without delay. It is then excluded that futher legal claims be raised by the customer against the firm Musikhaus Thomann e.K.."

its a breach of contract under common law - read this when you get a chance if you really want to force it - it applies for most countries of this planet -*J/GuidetobeingaFreemanFinalv2.pdf
its a breach of contract under common law

Doesn't apply to Finland and neither does "most of the countries on this planet", it applies to minority of the countries in the world. Common law is used only on UK and USA and its former colonies, such as Ireland, Australia and India. Finland and majority of the other countries use Civil law. (source)

But you still missed my point: I really don't give a shit about getting my money back, I just want the stuff I ordered.
nah i get your point, you want your shit from them but sometimes its required to fuck them in the ass and tell them to fuck off and get your money back because its unfair when your fucked over by large companies like that not fulfilling requests you made. especially when you were good enough to give your hard earned money to them

didn't realize finland wasn't under common law - shame for you guys because your unable to get yourself out of sticky situations such as paying debts etc when threatened by the government and large companies or police. - although you could still pull yourself out of it because under "natural law" which your government stands by "you" the legal fictional entity that you are representing created by your government which you never agreed to agreed to thomanns agreements, not you, the human being - there are always little loop holes to get you out of crappy situations that will work in all governments except communism

anyway this is getting way out of hand - fingers crossed you get your gear, i had problems with thomann in the past sending me 2 jackson guitars that were smashed to bits and i had a bit of hassle trying to get them to send out the 3rd one but after some legal jargon via email i got my gear in the end - have you tried calling them? or have you just emailed?