You like fast stuff? This is for you.


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
Hey all.
Thanks for being so patient with my noob questions all the time, I've learned sooo much within the past few months and I think I can take it from here without bugging you with all my questions on a daily basis, haha.

Whatever, I just made a quick session, threw some riffs together and this is what came out:

It's all digital and "fake" and I feel like a cheating whore but it's all I can do now in my shity little room without cranking any amps and alike...
Sure there's room for improvement (especially my shitty untight playing), however, I'm not asking for suggestions since I just mixed it in a couple of minutes with a fix template and didn't care much about tweaking but I think it's listenable...

But feel free to comment, of course :)

So this is actually my contribution to this board.
It's a full song and if you happen to like it, do whatever you want to do with it :goggly:

Enjoy :rock:
great guitar tone as always! I would appreciate if you gave me all the info on the guitars. I assume is wagner with the in flames curve eq file? What else? What impulse,settings, post processing? This is so close to how I want my tone. I could learn a lot from this. Your drums sound good too. I can hardly hear the bass though. The riffs are really cool but as a song i'm not sure. It sounds like you said, a bunch of riffs thrown together. Great job on the production. I'd say you are one of the top people on here for getting good tones. I am thankfull for all of your help so far.
damn listened to this again. Really cool. Don't be so modest either. The playing was pretty tight.
Damn.... Great job..... Words are unneccessary.... :D We want more, we want more, we want more.....:rock::rock::rock:
hey man,

would you mind going over what you do to get that killer tone you allways get:rock:

I tried to set up wagner and boogex similar to how you had told us to in your tuned to B clip....But i just couldn't make it happen, it sounded horrible!

I was using my pod and i just turned off the cab sim on there anything else i should do?

It'd be really cool if you pushed me in the right direction , this has been buging me for ages!!!!
cheers dudes