You "wtf" you lose

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm gonna be honest here. It's really fucking hard not to be racist when you see shit like that going on in other countries. Seriously, what the fuck Asia?
I get all those horrendous videos from this buddy of my who's from the Philippines. He denies that he's Asian (calls himself a Pacific Islander), although he's a dead ringer for a Chinese. I'm pretty sure the disturbing cultural quirks of the mainland have something to do with it.
There's no direct reason why cannibalism should feed a negative racist attitude about the Chinese. It isn't practiced by the majority of the nation (or at least, it hasn't been reported that it is) and there are those who condemn it. Also, even if Chinese cannibalism is widespread and practiced commonly by every citizen, the accusation of them being cannibals has no direct relation to us viewing them in a negative light. Consider for a moment if it was true that Jews really were greedy, sneaky people who lacked good hygiene; our paranoid anti-Semitism is an ideological effect that in fact has no direct relation to Jews really being that way. The essence of "Jew-ness" isn't constituted by those characteristics.
Alright, I'm unsubscribing from this thread. It feels so wrong to be disgusted yet want to continue watching at the same time. Jesus Christ.
There's no direct reason why cannibalism should feed a negative racist attitude about the Chinese. It isn't practiced by the majority of the nation (or at least, it hasn't been reported that it is) and there are those who condemn it. Also, even if Chinese cannibalism is widespread and practiced commonly by every citizen, the accusation of them being cannibals has no direct relation to us viewing them in a negative light. Consider for a moment if it was true that Jews really were greedy, sneaky people who lacked good hygiene; our paranoid anti-Semitism is an ideological effect that in fact has no direct relation to Jews really being that way. The essence of "Jew-ness" isn't constituted by those characteristics.

First of all, I'm skeptical about the authenticity of that Chinese cannibalism video. There are all kinds of shock videos on the internet that are not corroborated by any credible evidence. Of course you're right, being a cannibal doesn't make one wicked or evil by default. If that was the case, many tribal people from the highlands of Papua New Guinea would have to be written off as evil, which they're not. The only thing that is certain is that cannibalism is bad for the health and well being of the cannibal, as it has been shown that the consumption of flesh of the same species causes a condition similar to mad cow disease (especially if the cerebellum and brain stem are consumed).
Secondly, stereotypes exist because they contain a grain of truth. I've never met a hygienically dirty Jew, but many of them are greedy and not trustworthy, just like many blacks are lazy and many whites are racist and ignorant. The fact remains however, that the beliefs of Judaism are, in my opinion, racist and intolerant. I've actually studied some of the Torah and have attended Shabbat, and the opinion that gentiles are inferior and less-than-human is quite apparent. It seems to me that this belief system is the cause for the abuse of the Palestinians by Israel and also lies behind the dirty secret that Israel is a major player in the child sex-slave trade.

Human beings are just fucked. We are horrible creatures.

Pretty much.
First of all, I'm skeptical about the authenticity of that Chinese cannibalism video. There are all kinds of shock videos on the internet that are not corroborated by any credible evidence.

I'm skeptical too, but I couldn't find anything claiming it wasn't authentic.

Secondly, stereotypes exist because they contain a grain of truth. I've never met a hygienically dirty Jew, but many of them are greedy and not trustworthy, just like many blacks are lazy and many whites are racist and ignorant.

Many blacks are greedy though too; just like many whites are lazy and many Jews are racist and ignorant (this also presents a problem because many whites are Jews, so the overlap is severe; and furthermore, can there be no black Jews?). These characteristics that we apply to stereotypes have no direct relation to the actual individual and they highlight nothing significant about a group of people. Somehow, through the course of history, we come to associate them and suddenly it seems as though these traits are inherent. People talk about the common correctness of stereotypes; but this is not because the stereotype has pinned down some element that is widely common to a group of people. The stereotype, by an ideological twist, plants these traits and makes it seem as though they were contained within the subject from the start. Stereotypes play a trick whereby as soon as they're invented they appear to be correct; not because they are, but because without realizing it we begin to look for the characteristics of the stereotype and then find it everywhere.

This is why simply trying to overcome the stereotype by "not thinking that way" will never work. The idea of the stereotype is entrenched in our minds.
First of all, I'm skeptical about the authenticity of that Chinese cannibalism video. There are all kinds of shock videos on the internet that are not corroborated by any credible evidence. Of course you're right, being a cannibal doesn't make one wicked or evil by default. If that was the case, many tribal people from the highlands of Papua New Guinea would have to be written off as evil, which they're not. The only thing that is certain is that cannibalism is bad for the health and well being of the cannibal, as it has been shown that the consumption of flesh of the same species causes a condition similar to mad cow disease (especially if the cerebellum and brain stem are consumed).
Secondly, stereotypes exist because they contain a grain of truth. I've never met a hygienically dirty Jew, but many of them are greedy and not trustworthy, just like many blacks are lazy and many whites are racist and ignorant. The fact remains however, that the beliefs of Judaism are, in my opinion, racist and intolerant. I've actually studied some of the Torah and have attended Shabbat, and the opinion that gentiles are inferior and less-than-human is quite apparent. It seems to me that this belief system is the cause for the abuse of the Palestinians by Israel and also lies behind the dirty secret that Israel is a major player in the child sex-slave trade.

Pretty much.

I don't have enough time to research the authenticity of the stuff written on that page but can anyone else confirm or deny the information on there? The stuff on human trafficking/child porn in particular is pretty bloody disturbing D:
I'm skeptical too, but I couldn't find anything claiming it wasn't authentic.

Many blacks are greedy though too; just like many whites are lazy and many Jews are racist and ignorant (this also presents a problem because many whites are Jews, so the overlap is severe; and furthermore, can there be no black Jews?). These characteristics that we apply to stereotypes have no direct relation to the actual individual and they highlight nothing significant about a group of people. Somehow, through the course of history, we come to associate them and suddenly it seems as though these traits are inherent. People talk about the common correctness of stereotypes; but this is not because the stereotype has pinned down some element that is widely common to a group of people. The stereotype, by an ideological twist, plants these traits and makes it seem as though they were contained within the subject from the start. Stereotypes play a trick whereby as soon as they're invented they appear to be correct; not because they are, but because without realizing it we begin to look for the characteristics of the stereotype and then find it everywhere.

This is why simply trying to overcome the stereotype by "not thinking that way" will never work. The idea of the stereotype is entrenched in our minds.

Your point is valid, if somewhat pessimistic.
The fact remains however, that the beliefs of Judaism are, in my opinion, racist and intolerant. I've actually studied some of the Torah and have attended Shabbat, and the opinion that gentiles are inferior and less-than-human is quite apparent.

This comes from a severe misinterpretation of Torah, of which Judaism is guilty. In Judiasm, the Torah takes a backseat to the racist colored, Babylonian inspired, lenses of the Talmud, and this causes the majority of the problems present in Judaism AND Christianity.

The Torah IS intolerant, and rightfully so. For tolerance cannot have a place insidee an absolute "perfect" way of living, just like the laws of any country are not based on the preference of the individual. However, you either subscribe to it, or you don't, which is actually tolerant in a way. There is nothing in Torah about forcing non-subscribers to adhere.
Correct, no one is compelled to accept the Torah as the empirical word of the lord, but those who deny it are considered sub-human. To me, only Islam is more extreme in it's attitude towards non-believers; at least Christians leave the eternal torture to Satan as the soul burns in hell. We're digressing though, so let's not shit this thread up with more religious debate, k?
Your point is valid, if somewhat pessimistic.

I hope it's not too pessimistic.

Sorry if I seem like an asshole when I type that stuff. I realize I kind of snap into this lecturing mode where it doesn't seem like I'm really addressing anyone in particular. I actually found your posts interesting and just wanted to comment on them.
I wasn't being critical of your opinions, at least not in a confrontational sense. It just seemed that "pessimistic" was an appropriate word to describe your idea that stereotypes can never be overcome. I actually find your opinions on the subject to be insightful, interesting, and was never under the impression that you were on a soapbox.
Can we not turn this into a gore thread? :(

Edit: also, asian guy eating baby is old and most likely fake and an "act" by some "artist."

Are we all still 15 here or what?
Correct, no one is compelled to accept the Torah as the empirical word of the lord, but those who deny it are considered sub-human. To me, only Islam is more extreme in it's attitude towards non-believers; at least Christians leave the eternal torture to Satan as the soul burns in hell. We're digressing though, so let's not shit this thread up with more religious debate, k?

You are thinking of Judaism, not something in Torah. According to Torah, "foreigners" are to be treated the same as Hebrews.