Young bands pushing the true old school thrash?

Didn't know you had a this post already. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to step on anyones toes. :oops:

No sweat ;). It's good a kick from time to time to reminds us all that we are here for our love to metal, and the common denominator to help each other to find more and better music.

Besides you've done well, Fuel By Fire are very good already got their album and Evile debut it's on my way. I hadn't been able to get the Bonded By Blood EP (although I downloaded it) and I hope bands like Enforcer and Headless Cross can find a label and record a LP soon.
Thrash is far from dead nowdays, and these bands are showing the world that true metal lives and old school resonates forever :headbang:

NP: Saxon - 'State Of Grace'
And don't forget that marks the triumphant return of the mighty Flemming Rassmussen!!!!!!


I listened to Evile's new album a couple times already. They sound like a cross between Slayer and Bonded by Blood-era Exodus. They're good a shit.
FBF probably my fav of the bunch but I mean to give Evile & Municipal some more time down the track but I'm currently on a punk/crossover trip.