Young British Metalhead!


New Metal Member
things really arent going particularly well for us over here. Its no suprise that shitty emo bands are taking over. Firstly, ive had to just shell out £25($40) for the original watchtower album and basically how are you meant to discover ridiculously awesome old school metal bands when someone is taking the piss to such an extent. Secondly, bands just arent touring the UK anymore, the latest anthrax tour had 2 small dates, even iron maiden only had one date which wass headlining a non-metal festival! All this is just alienating old metal fans and meaning that new fans are pretty fucking rare, no matter how much i tell people how fucking genuinely good some of this old stuff is. The only thing we have got going for us in the UK at the moment is dragonforce, we need more god dammit. The easiest solution would surely be to glue the uk to the west coast of the US! Im also finding it ridiculously hard to get hold of spastic ink/rons solo stuff. no matter how much i scan ebay i still cant find shit! Its tough times i swear! bring back our glory dayswe need a second NWOBHM!!!!!! Diamond Head for Eurovision eh? keep it metal dudes!!
I couldn't agree more with you James. I just checked out which does sell some awesome CDs for suprisingly cheap prices. In case you haven't already, you might also want to check out which I find offers very low prices on many CDs, doesn't charge much for postage and will send you free CDs if you spend over a certain amount (which is only about $30 or so).

I also agree with you to some extent about metal bands touring the UK. Although I can't take your complaint about Iron Maiden to heart because I went to the Reading festival specifically to watch them, it does seem that we're being left out of many supposed 'world tours'. Although coming up over the next few months there's a few good bands playing at the Astoria. I'm going to see Children Of Bodom next week, followed by Dragonforce, Fear Factory, Disturbed and Soulfly. So it's not ALL bad, but I do see your point about the big, old school names in heavy metal not touring the UK how we would like them to.
LOL yeah Dragonforce is gonna rule, but I hope they mix in some songs from their first two albums and don't just play the new album to death. The new songs are good, but for me they lack the intensity of Sonic Firestorm.

I agree, it would be kick ass if Ron were to do a UK tour. The unfortunate thing though is that most bands actually lose money by going on tour, but if the tour is promotional for a new CD or whatever, the band obviously hope to make that money back from increased record sales. I think if Ron were to do a tour, probably about 80% of the people who would go to see him would already be his fans and already be buying his records anyway, so it would cost him a lot of money, time and effort. Unless he could play at a festival or in collaboration with other bands :p
ron for download 2006? i think so. playing for megadeth, doing joint leads with glen drover! i think im setting my hopes a bit high but im sure if like kirk hammett breaks his arm then im sure ron would be high on the list of replacements! im determined to see old ronny boy before i die even if it means a short holiday to the usa to do so!

im sure dragonforce will play the old stuff, fury of the storm and heart of a dragon have ot be played or i will not be happy!
Ron would kick ass at Download, but most of the uneducated headbanging kiddies there wouldn't appreciate him so he would probably get slagged off on the forums and stuff. I'm sure he would draw a tent's-worth of fans or people willing to open their ears to something new though.

Unless he wanted to do a tour with Iced Earth or even a WatchTower reunion tour. Either would kick ass. I totally know what you mean about wanting to see Ron live. If he could pull off a Spastic Ink live set with Pete and Bobby, I'd sell my soul to go and watch. :rock:
ron for iced earth, totally! they dont have a lead guitarist at present do they? and ron touring with bobby would surely make it easier for new spastic ink stuff to be written! ill get on the phone to jon schaffer, well i would if i knew him! i hope there are some more old school bands at download this year. i had to sit through many a shit act last year.
so what?

the atmosphere of highschool consumer politics never ends i guess. everyone complains about where "their" money is spent in stupid music scenes as if it matters. "oh i support metal! this other genre is BAD. shame on rap! shame on the boardroom meetings that see no market for heavy metal being a lucrative career for individual musicians."

then you have people on here insulting the intelligence of metalheads by saying they couldnt understand ron at a festival. wow, what an exclusive and elite group of Awesome Music Fans (consumers) here. we better figure out who is more 'tech' and stays within the boundries of music theory.

asmox said:
The onslaught of bad post-emo bands in the US is as active as anywhere else.. trust me.
SupersonicRobotic said:
so what?

the atmosphere of highschool consumer politics never ends i guess. everyone complains about where "their" money is spent in stupid music scenes as if it matters. "oh i support metal! this other genre is BAD. shame on rap! shame on the boardroom meetings that see no market for heavy metal being a lucrative career for individual musicians."

then you have people on here insulting the intelligence of metalheads by saying they couldnt understand ron at a festival. wow, what an exclusive and elite group of Awesome Music Fans (consumers) here. we better figure out who is more 'tech' and stays within the boundries of music theory.

Did I hit a nerve?

I can't get into much of the indie pop/rock that's been showing up lately. I think it's bad, boring, annoyingly derivative, and just irritating. You might not. It's all good.

It has nothing to do with the "scene". I listen to music based on its musical merit (which is, of course, subjective). I listen to rap.. I enjoy artists like Aesop Rock, Busdriver, Atmosphere, and Deltron 3030. I'll put on some pop every now and then.. in fact, I think Chevelle is a pretty great band. I also dig 311. I'm into a lot of electronica.. both experimental and minimalistic ambience, and everything inbetween. I'll put on Depeche Mode and then turn around and get into some Necrophagist or Pestilence. Anything, man.. but something with substance.

Modern indie rock just doesn't do it for me, though. Everytime I hear something like The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, Arcade Fire, or whatever else.. I just take it for what it is - simple and fun-loving music to make teenage girls dance. I just can't take it seriously.. but that's just my opinion.

Bring back indie rock in the way of Slint or Don Caballero, and I'll be all over it.
Hey James.

I moved into the UK last year and yes, that silly emo trend is getting excessively annoying... At least there
are /some/ gigs at some points, watched Priest in Birmingham, Malmsteen and Dio in Notts and missed
Motorhead and Megadeth last year...

Anyway, you might like this: Conceptual Misfire live performance.
They are a new UK based student prog band, I produced the guitars in their
first track (and am the singer in their second band).

Might watch Dragonforce on Sunday, depending on how much cash I've got.
dragonforce cannot be missed. they totally kill! you should also go to download this summer, i had great times talking to the 'real' metal fans. they were really lacking a cheesy power metal act last year. im a lot happier with the state of our scene since anthrax have announced some dates in the uk. we have still been fucked over by maiden!!
You know, if you dig through the masses, there are actually good "emo" bands.

Of course, by now, anyone with dyed black hair and a song about anything "depressing" is considered "emo". Most of it's really only dark-ish pop punk at best.

In my opinion, at least...
Well, many times, I find myself listening to a *GREAT* track in Rock City for example, only to reach the point where the vocals kick in. For some reason,
99% of these bands have those INCREDIBLY generic vocals, same accent,
same effects, same-ish voice, it's as if you have the same singer in n^m bands. Weirdly, usually it's their brutal vocals that differentiate them. I've heard endless tracks and bands wasted like that...