Young Guitar 2011

Do you plan to take pics of the tabs with the cam you are waiting for? BTW those two tabs are awesome thank you
That would be awesome! I would love to try and learn them all but I wouldnt ask you to tab em all out. Im not that mean lol
Well, I have to say that if you really want to learn the songs/the actual riffs, you should go with the tabs posted by Arcane in the Tab Thread.

The Young Guitar Tabs are pretty good but the problem is that they tab what they see which means if Alexi doesn't hit the right notes (Just look at the Ugly solo for example), they'll tab it that way. Therefore, the tabs in the Tab Thread are way more accurate.
I got em. All of em lol they are awesome, a few problems but ive only found 2 in all of them
I'm ordering the 2013 issue if anybody is interested.

Getting it uploaded may take some time because crap internet and the fact that I might not even know how, but I'll give it my best shot once it gets here.
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This is kind of a sidestep off topic, but is there any of you who got high quality scan's/photo's of older young guitar Bodom related articles?
Don't want to read it, there is some really good gear setup pictures in those magazines. Mostly all of them.
Fucking hell, not the pictures I thought I was after, but these were even better! Do you have better "high quality" versions or the possibility to get them? That would be so kind of you! Thanks a lot!

Edit: the quality is almost perfect when getting into the "original" picture in photobucket, but as we all know, photobucket compresses the pictures about 20% in all circumstances, so better quality is still very welcome. These setup pictures provides settings for the Sinergy/late 2003 tour and even shows a clip of Aleksander's last Bodom rig (Lee Jackson, wireless, Marshall 9200) with settings/presets. And higher quality pictures of some pictures we already have of Bodoms rigs from 2005-2010ish.

Great stuff, the pictures I was originally after was probably in some of the 2000-2003 Alexi Laiho featured Young Guitar magazines. Might have to buy them someday, because it is unlikely that someone have them all and got them scanned.
Also all of the old Bodom rigs shows something I'd never think of. Bodom uses the distortion at 12-1 o'clock. Seems veeery strange, but all the old rigs, even Roopes sinergy rigs... Can't test it tonight, but it shows that either they were using a super-overdrive pedal or tubescreamer in front, or they're doing this the Van Halen way and driving the poweramp for more disortion.

Also confirming the myth that Alexi used the Dimebag Wah and on the description of the Wildchild pickup, it clearly says something that the electronic switches 1 and 2 should be "up" or /\ as the description says. So now we have the JE-1000 settings as well.
I've got a few YG mags but no idea what year. I'll compare with these and upload anything that's not up already. I don't have a scanner though
Great stuff Mitch! Just use a digi-cam or a good cellphone camera. And use a flashlight or something to get extra lighting. :-)
Fucking hell, not the pictures I thought I was after, but these were even better! Do you have better "high quality" versions or the possibility to get them? That would be so kind of you! Thanks a lot!

You're welcome :) Re the picture quality, what you see here is actually about the same as they appear in the magazines. The definition wasn't great to start with.