your advice please, i want to move to pro tools.

oh God I have to move on !!!
I tested once the 7.3 but I didn't do an accurate midi test.
I stll use 7.1 lol because my laptop is old (3 years old) and I had the typical protools problem, you know, when it pops up a window with: "increase your goddamn buffer, your system can keep up asshole"
I hated the 7.3 for that so I stuck with the old 7.1.
I gotta check this version now.
Agree with Greyskull, use what you like in your own studio, use what you enjoy and can work get the results with but the fact of the matter is you WILL directly loose work and money if you do not learn how to use Protools. Simple fact. I'm not saying one DAW sounds better than the other or anything like that, as James put it, like it or not it is the industry standard, just get a cheap m box and learn how to use it. You will feel a complete fool if you get the golden job in a massive studio and they ask if you know Protools? Sounds silly in question form as its just commonly accepted that you almost have to know pro tools. Jump on board you will not regret it!!! hahaha
yah guys, this was what Chris was saying.
he said

'yah you might be wicked with cubase and can navigate around fast etc. but when you go for a proper studio job and they ask'' what do you use?'' and you say ''cubase'' they'll just laugh at you. he said , if you wanna get serious, make sure you know pro tools inside out.

so this is why i want to make the change.

so i buy a little m-box interface as you say, and you get protools LE with it? i'm not sure
Yep you get the interface (mbox 2, 002 or micro for instance) and the software (LE 7.x). The great thing is get good on a £200 mbox and then when you use the £10,000 HD version the actual pro tools software and how it operates is very very very similar. You will be able to learn on LE then apply that knowledge to the "proper" HD version. Just remember to research into the latency issues with LE. They can be worked around but research the stuff. It will be the best £200 you will have ever spend in terms of actual learning and progression as an AE. Dont get this confused with actual sonic results as its no different to Cubase. I'm sure you can get great stuff from Cubase so no reason to change platform but as discussed learn pro tools and you cover you ass for future embarrassment.
so i buy a little m-box interface as you say, and you get protools LE with it? i'm not sure

I don't really have the energy today to explain all you need to know about Pro Tools. I'd be happy to answer any specific questions though.
Briefly: Buy a Digidesign interfaces and you get Pro Tools LE.
Buy an M-Audio interface and to use Pro Tools you need to buy PT M-Powered separately about $250 including iLok dongle.
The difference between LE and M-Powered is slight.

Do you not read the post here? :erk:
What are you missing in Cubase?
Some things you will miss switching from Cubase to PT LE is:
Plugin selection (pt is rtas only, without the vst-rtas wrapper)
Plugin delay compensation (matters if you are using UAD-1, Powercore, Duende, liquidmix)
Track count (which results in better workflow methods)
Lane view automation (multiple automation types shown at once for a track)
MIDI Drum maps and drum editor
Faster than realtime rendering
Track Freezing
Score Editor (pt can send to Sebilius instead)

Some things that are better in PT:
Beat Detective
Elastic time (and elastic pitch coming soon)
Side chaining
McDSP plugins
Strip Silence
smart tool editing
Your sessions will open at a 'professional' studio without any extra effort.

We can play "Anything Cubase can do Pro Tools can do better, and faster" if you want.
The lack of a track freeze function and the limited track count in PTLE has always bugged me, just as the lack of beat detective type function in Logic bugs me. I agree that as an aspiring audio engineer you MUST know Pro Tools, but that doesn't change the fact that I think it sucks that Digi charges as much as they do for crippled software that you must use their interfaces with. I use PTLE only to transfer projects into Pro Tools, I'd never use it as my main DAW. Pro tools HD does kick major ass, but I'm not that wealthy. And on the subject of interfaces, let me ask this: Wouldn't it blow if you had to use an Adobe brand camera (if they made cameras) in order to use photoshop, another industry standard?

But yeah, I basically agree that you need to know pro tools, I just needed to rant a little.
you can freeze tracks in a roundabout way.
either save the preset and audiosuite the region in another playlist, then disable the plugin,
or record it to another track.
VOILA plug in freezing.
all you have to know is that andy sneap are using it. Thats it, so go on now everybody and buy PT! :)
i use logic 7.2 pro now and am going to pick up an mbox micro one of these days for two reasons

1) the aforementioned sentiments of just knowing it for the sake of, well, just knowing it.

2) editing

audio editing in logic is bitch. the sequencing is unreal and the plug ins are great and i kind of enjoy and am getting used to the illogical interface but because pro tools has such a popular reputation for it's efficient audio editing i figure i'll get it to help improve my editing as well as learn how to use it inside out if i ever need to work out of a studio where there is PT, which most likely will be the case.
ok so maybe im not going to yet. i just found out that in order for beat detective to work on LE (or M powered) on multiple tracks (aka drums) you need to upgrade to some like bundle that is $500 which is whack because it defeats the purpose. now you are talking about a $700 investment which is a lot for just drum editing. I may get it later in the future but I think i'll hold for now because it's a waste of money considering i'd rather manually cut up hits in logic as hard as it as. I'd rather spend $700 on something else anyway. That's why digi is so whack they have such a choke-hold you need a zillion different add ons and this and that in order to have a functional program. There is no doubt that with a big budget PT HD systems kick ass thus they exist in PRO PRO studios but it seems to me there are too many "you need to buy this" and "you need to buy that" that if there is any sort of budget consideration you are better off with any other DAW.