Your fav metal

im going insane! that quote from the evil dead is used as the intro to some metal song i have...but i cant remember who it is! does anybody know who it is...i need to know before i shoot myself
I dunno the song... but maybe it'd help if I took it down so you don't have to wrack your brain for that song lol
I'd say my fav is black metal, the most unmelodic and atmospheric black metal I can get my hands on


as I am a christian, I get pissed at Emperor's lyrics, and at Dimmu and whatever :mad:

anyway, if I ever had a band, it would be a mixture of insanely black metal with baroque (castlevania) and maybe some spanish stuff as well. that's the style I'd really like to listen to someday. :)

oh and btw
nu metal is NOT metal! it is NOT!! it's something those americans invented and are trying to shove down our throats as metal, but it doesn't taste like metal, it's shit!! :mad:
yeah DeadWinter I think I saw your pic with a Deicide t-shirt...

so I guess you don't care much about the lyrics :)

sometimes it sucks you know... cause I really like the Black Metal style, but that "ohh dominiis dom Sathanas ohh Diabolis emperor etc etc" just pisses me off!! :mad: :mad:

it's so dumb to assault God like that!

to me, mankind is like a spoiled child you know:
- it refuses to take God as its creator and saviour, often using science (the new religion) to try and refute faith (which is something equally dumb to do, as we christians are strong with scientific apologetics);
- it wants to lead its own life, making its own choices, and often refer to "moral relativism" for a philosophical back-up (a poor one IMHO);
- but when all hell breaks lose because of its own stubborn greed and selfishness, it turns out to curse God for the problems!!

and it's an equally paradoxal thing to do: those bands say they are non-religious, yet mention demons and Satan in every song.
even so, makes sense in a way: they are against one world that has gone wrong (via misanthropy), and they want to protest against this world.

well, our culture (american, european) is based strongly in christian beliefs, right? and it has gone wrong! so, blame our christian culture for that!!

alright, that's a point. But if our society were TRULY christian, there wouldn't be hunger, nor povertry, nor discrimination. What we have is a sick, blinding mask of goodness.

I get pissed at evil, and I hate evil.
I think most people fight the wrong thing: we should NOT fight the Cross, we should fight the mask painted with the Cross.
that's our enemy.

sorry about my rambling. :cry:
Originally posted by dawnghost
yeah DeadWinter I think I saw your pic with a Deicide t-shirt...

so I guess you don't care much about the lyrics :)

Yep, that was me. I believe in God and all, which I feel weird saying... But I do. And sometimes I feel like people think I'm all for Satan, because of the music I listen to. But I'm not. I'm just for the music, and the lyrics are usually good, even if they talk about the Devil. I'm just evil in that way.
For me, believe in god and put our faith in him is a sign of weakness.
World would be better without religion, we don't need a SUPER NATURAL one to guide our path, and althought the bible and the ideology of christianism is so pathetic... well...

I used to believe in god once a day... but I really asked myself question about origin, and then I read part of bible and took religion teaching... and it is when I found how much it was terribly stupid... ... completely for fool :(
@ mHatred

you may think me fool then...

I used to be as scientific and pragmatic as one could get. But God really won me, it's incredible!
I don't know exactly what happened for you to lose your faith in such a dramatic way, but if you'd like a very serious and scientific view on the christian beliefs, you may want to try:

That's an online, christian, scientific community, with very serious researchers, doctors and PhDs working to defend our faith.
Of course, I have found by my own experience that facts sometimes are not enough for a person to change his path.

But let me say something (sorry if I am preaching, I used to want to study theology :) )

- do you really believe you are the result of pure chance? that all your life is a pure illusion? cause if you do, what do you think of death? is it terrifying or just a deliverance for you?

- one friend of mine saw that movie A.I., and he defined us as "incredibly complex algorithms put together by evolution". Would you say you are that?
Can you really look around you, look at your hands, command your finger to move and then realize how incredible it is to know you EXIST... but toss it all away for the sake of a simpler, minimalistic look at life?

- (true story) I was once helping a blind man to take a bus (it was a 247, a blue bus), but the damn driver just skipped the bus stop. And I was like "dammit he went away just like that??", and the blind man said to me "sometimes that blue bus does that, let's wait for the green one, the 232".
And then I asked him: "btw, were you born blind?" and he said "yes". And then I asked "what are colors to you?" and he replied "they are just something people tell me that exist, but I cannot see... I know the apple is red, and that my hair is white now, but it used to be brown... but that's just what people tell me".
And then I said "do you believe in God?" and he said "yes, of course", and I asked him "but don't you think God was unfair to you by letting you be born blind?", but he replied "no, of course not, I exist thanks to him, and this is an experience that I thank God for... every single day.".

Maybe that SUPER NATURAL thing is only something we don't have the sense to know it exists... but it does.
We don't change reality with our views: the truth is the truth. And God has spoken to me (and specially my father) in such unbelievable ways that I wouldn't dare deny Him.

Ok it may seem just a lot of crap to you but well... I just had to write this.

Oh yeah... and btw... Children of Bodom rocks. :)
@ DeadWinterDead: :)

@ Venymous:

Sanctifica is "unblack" metal, which is Black Metal but with no satanic lyrics... on the contrary, it has lyrics praising God hahahahahahaha :grin:

their album "Spirit of Purity" is awesome, specially the songs "The Dark Desires" and "Landscape". I like it cause then I don't have to get pissed at the lyrics... :)
I have some friends that have a prog band, and two of them said they liked Sanctifica even more than Bodom. I wouldn't go so far, I like COB better, but if you want to try, it's really heavy, atmospheric black metal, very well composed and played (not that crap gospel music you see around).

Stay away from their latest release, "B negative" though. They wanted to experiment too much, and it sucks. :cry:
like dawnghost, i do get pissed at bands lyrics. if they want to be satanic and shit, let them...but when they sing their anti-God lyrics, its like a personnal attack at me and my beliefs. thats why i dont like them. i guess thats why im mostly into power metal... they mostly have lyrics about things that dont really matter. i like the black metal sound, but like i said the lyrics turn me off. luckily i cant really understand wtf they're saying, lol.
also, like DeadWinter, i hate it when stupid people are always question me for listening to metal cuz im a Christian. its all about the music, not always the message it carries.