Your fav. metal shirts



Thinking about getting this shirt.
Anyone know where I can get a Deathspell Omega shirt without a paypal? It said you needed paypal on the noevdia site and on ebay and thus I'd need my dad's help to get it that way - and I don't think he'd approve lol.
Open a bank account and get a debit card (if you dont have one) and get paypal. It's seriously so much easier than all that other shit if you can.
That never really happens to me.

Also, does it annoy anyone else when a band puts an album cover art on a shirt, and it's in a square fashion instead of it blending in with the black?

I mean, I wanna get this Blind Guardian shirt with the Nightfall cover art, but the front doesn't look that good.
use it as tp or something when you were drunk?

Nah, I actually just found it today. I did once lose my Decapitated shirt in a situation similar to that though. I was getting drunk at a friends place and I let a friend use my shirt to wipe their mouth after they puked. Naturally, I took it off for this. Any ways, I had it over my shoulder and it got caught on a branch (we were in the woods) while I was carrying her back to the the house and I forgot to go and grab it later. Anyways, I ride home the next day wondering where it was at. I got home and remembered what happened to it and a few hours later I found it on my table at home. Odd, but I'm not complaining.
That never really happens to me.

Also, does it annoy anyone else when a band puts an album cover art on a shirt, and it's in a square fashion instead of it blending in with the black?

I mean, I wanna get this Blind Guardian shirt with the Nightfall cover art, but the front doesn't look that good.

As a general rule, shirts with album covers on them look horrendous. The best shirts just have a logo and maybe a simple, bold design.

Case in point, some of mine...







Mine is actually a black logo on a grey shirt.
As a general rule, shirts with album covers on them look horrendous. The best shirts just have a logo and maybe a simple, bold design.

Case in point, some of mine...

Most of those shirts look awful, tbh.

Edit: Does anyone know where to get a death/doom era Paradise Lost shirt? >_>