Your fav. metal shirts

My three favorites are probably my Ghoul, Rotten Sound and Incantation t-shirts. I don't wear band tees all the time but the Incantation is my very favorite of the three because it's old as hell, ripped up and the sleeves have been hacked off.


All I have is a fake metallica one and a judas priest nostradamus tour one.

I don't really like either of them tbh.

meh. I should probably get an Ensiferum one, because one day they'l be a bitch to get I imagine.
Fuck I want a Demilich Tee.

My favorite used to be my Averse Sefira shirt. Then my Dad threw it away because he's superstitious and it had a pentagram on it.

I suppose now it would be either my Sargeist shirt or my Moonsorrow shirt... both have kvlt-o-matic BM band photos on the back. And I'm not calling Moonsorrow BM for the record, it's just the style of the photograph.
I want my shirts to be very simple. A logo on the chest, maybe a symbol or alike but I generally dont like huge prints or whole album covers and alike.

One of my favorites right now is my Machine Head shirt. The image on the front is the same as the image on the back of the machine head shirt shown in the picture on page 1 in this thread. Sadl the back has huge print ("MACHINE FUCKING HEAD") that I could live without but fron the front it looks ace.

Yeah, most of the shirts I wear today tend to just have the text logo of the band prined on the chest.
I wish I had that Demilich shirt! Where'd you get it from?

directly from the band, im p sure the envelope was handwritten by antti. i also got it cheap 'cause he forgot to tell me they were upping the prices and let me have it for the old price, which was cool of him.

i also have that DSO t-shirt above. and a badass angel witch one. and technically my severed survival one is a hoodie not a tshirt but i sneaked it in anyway.
I just ordered a "Gorod - Process of a New Decline" shirt. Going to be my first metal shirt after getting rid of some hot topic shit a couple of years ago. I emailed Bolt Thrower about a shirt, they said they are working on a webstore.
that Enslaved one looks nice.

not that I've ever listened to a single enslaved song lulz.