Your favorite bands?

AndICried said:
hah, I've now seen mono 3 times live. It's a pretty good show. Their new album so big an improvement over one step more.

Awesome, they are the bestest. I'll be seeing them on the 16th.

Venomous Concept is awesome! It's realy raw punk/crust. Kind of a cross between DK, Disrupt and Napalm Death with a little melvins-ish flavor.
to reduce the music's bpm.

Technically, I wouldn't say there are any "bpms" in Khanate music, as bpm seems to imply some sort of steady beat, no matter the slowness. No matter how you clock the beats in Khanate, no numerical concept works. Pretty much eyesight based beats, I take it. So uh, congratulations, Khanate, you've voided the concept of slow and fast.
Helm said:
Technically, I wouldn't say there are any "bpms" in Khanate music, as bpm seems to imply some sort of steady beat, no matter the slowness. No matter how you clock the beats in Khanate, no numerical concept works.
Obviously no absolutely steady beat would fit Khanate's music, but I find it relatively easy to think of (at least some) sections in their music as following a flexible tempo; much like in classical music, a beat may feature a rit. which aids the phrasing. Therefore I think the term bpm is appropriate, as it simply offers an indication as to how many beats one would expect to find in an average minutes worth of their music, which -in my eyes- has a tempo.

God, I hate being bored enough to spout pseudosomething bullshit.
What I am currently listening to ...

June of '44
Kekal (black metal from Indonesia!)
David Sylvian
Dead Meadow
The Black Sea
Windham Hell

for composers ...
Arvo Part
Steve Reich
Terry Riley

I am also in the liking of Negura Bunget!
Sandfire said:
I am also in the liking of Negura Bunget!

Nick, nope... And I won't go outta my way to hear'em. It's one of those "if they fall from the sky, come in thru my window and land in my stereo system, I might get up to press play" kinda things. They worth an ear?