Your favorite songs off "Are You Dead Yet?"

I, too, downloaded the sampler and I find it anything but disappointing! Some very delicious riffs and overall rock-hard, moshable material! Now I just can't wait till the real thing hits my letterbox! Oh and Are You Dead Yet? is my favourite by far...
Is it just me or does Bastards of Bodom have alot of Van Halen type 80s influences in it. Thus far I like TLASO and Are You Dead Yet off the new album the best.

So far I like what I am hearing, its really good and still has the "Bodom" sound. I love In Your Face alot its a catchy heavy as hell song and it rules. If you want peace hasn't "clicked" with me yet as the other songs but I am sure after a few listens I will love it, I was the same with Needled 24/7. Excited to get the album when it comes out and hear the rest.
bastards of bodom is my fav song so far, probably cos of the melody bit

least fav is are u dead yet, the riffs just dont agree with me
melodies in bastard of bodom, living dead beat and a the keyboard chorus in if you wan peace are so fucking great....even if if you want peace has a lot of slipknot influence on drums....anyway...great song...album will kick ass :rock:
The Gods put something in my favor(anku); I've finally heard some of the new tracks :hotjump: .... I was jittery with excitment before I opened the files .... Man, GREAT STUFF! My favorites are IYWP, and BoB! The intro to IFWP is fucking great! It's got a great bulid up at the beggining! I didn't like IYF truthfully just because it sounds like a song that Alexi could've made in a minute...or like a half way done song or something....BODOM IS THE ONLY BAND THAT KEEPS ME EXCITED ABOUT NEW RELEASES!!!!!1 THANK YOU FOR POSTING THAT :worship: AND I'LL BE BUYING AYDY IN SEPTEMBER!!!!!! :rock:
diecast said:
melodies in bastard of bodom, living dead beat and a the keyboard chorus in if you wan peace are so fucking great....even if if you want peace has a lot of slipknot influence on drums....anyway...great song...album will kick ass :rock:

Slipknot influence on drums? lol... I think the drums are really cool in that song... but the reason I like it so much is:
  • That killer fast heavy thrashy riff in the intro.
  • The Keyboard chorus as mentioned before!
  • The solos!!!!
  • The vocal chorus... really catchy and thrashy.

I love the part where it's like "If you want peace, Prepare for war FUCK!!!" then it goes straight to that keyboard chorus thing. That part rules.

i cant stand the noobs on this forum... sorry, anyways... Bastards of bodom is pretty cool, but im not liking it that much, ive heard a lot better, im hoping this album wont let me down as much as Ghost Reveries... word.
The Leper said:
i cant stand the noobs on this forum... sorry, anyways... Bastards of bodom is pretty cool, but im not liking it that much, ive heard a lot better, im hoping this album wont let me down as much as Ghost Reveries... word.

I guess this is referring to me :Smug:

I may be new to THIS forum but I have been on a shitload of forums and I know my way around them... Just because I haven't signed up here until last week doesn't mean I'm a forum |\|00b.
hell, i just heard bastards of bodom and the first few seconds of are you dead yet. also oops i did it again.

bastards of bodom - better than the other two listed here. wasnt impressed.
are you dead yet - sounded boring, maybe it gets better into it
oops i did it again - nice way to add the drums and the little solo but i dont like it too well.