Your favourite beer


^^ The problem is that it shouldn't be known as the flavour of beer (not saying that the stuff shouldn't exist).

I'm sure the fine beers closer resemble what beers were originally made to taste like.

The popular beers are brewed to have little flavour on purpose. Coors Light is all about being ice cold, which we know factually lessens the taste.

I have no problem when people enjoy the popular stuff (I'd prefer if they were familiar with all types, and chose a favourite that way... rather than just being told what beer is best through advertising), but when I drink a coffee, a Coke, some juice, or wine, there is a blast of flavour, and a large amount of the palate is being triggered; standard beer doesn't do this. I guess it doesn't have to...
I guess I can't say much. I'm pretty new to beer, and I can't drink that popular stuff, because it doesn't taste good. I'm always up for trying new beer, I just don't know what to get. The one thing I keep going back to is Blue Moon. I've yet to dig deep into the treasure chest of fine beers.
I do not mind drinking "cheap beer" but I love beer with more refined flavor. There are occasions for both and they both have to exist in this world.

I had a Koff yesterday.
I often get the feeling that some people enjoy standard beer because they feel like it's something they are supposed to enjoy.
It's very similar (but opposite) to people who aren't really open to new food ideas. They try new things, and just seem hesitant to enjoy it.
Today I'm gonna enjoy some Stone Brewing beers!!! The list:

Levitation Ale 4,4%
Pale Ale 5,4%
IPA 6,9%
Ruination IPA 7,7%
Oaked Arrogant Bastard 7,2%
Belgo Anise Imperial Russian Stout 10,5%
Double Bastard 10,5%
Old Guardian Belgo 12%
15th Anniversary Escondidian Black IPA 10,8%
Vertical Epic 11.11.11 9,4%

I took the next day off from work for this!! :Spin:
You might need to take the week off if you drink all of those beers today. haha The anise in the IRS needs to mellow substantially. Get another bottle and cellar it for a year. The Vertical Epic this year was KILLER!! It's made from Hatch green chile. Hatch is a small town in southern NM that makes a religion out of chile growing, and they make early autumn one of the best times in NM with the scent of roasting green chile in the air everywhere you go. I'd highly recommend saving the Ruination for last - you won't be able to taste much after drinking that thing. Heck, if you go in order, you won't be tasting anything by then anyway. haha

My haul for Christmas:
NB Prickly Passion
NB Fresh Hop
Fullsail Wreck the Halls
Santa Fe Brewing Chicken Killer
The Lost Abbey Carnevale Ale
The Lost Abbey The Ten Commandments
He'Brew Bittersweet Lenny's R.I.P.A.
Funkwerks Saison
Port Mongo IPA
St. Bernardus Tripel (no 12, but beggars can't be choosers)

And I got to share some Samichlaus with my wife's uncle Christmas Day.
Hehe no way in hell could I drink ALL those! I was a little dissapointed in the IPA, the Ruination IPA on the other hand was great! And that 15th anniversary black ipa was also great! I have to have more of these! :D
Wifey's out of town the weekend of the 7th. I got a new false bottom for my 10-gallon cooler. I might just have to start digging out the garage to get the ol' brewery back in shape so I can make a brew. Something to ruin Ruination, perhaps... I missed the harvest on my Chinook hops in the back yard this year, but there's a new brew shop in town that I'm anxious to frequent.
Dude! You have to send me some! Something Hoppy! :Spin:

I was wondering, would it even be possible for you to send me some small amounts of beer? I could pay it beforehand if needed. Would love to taste some..
I scored 16 bottles of Unibroue 17 Grand Reserve... almost let this bad boy go permanently out of stock!
I had it shipped to me (for free) from a store that was 24 hours away, but within the same Province... this was basically my only option left!