Your favourite beer

How much would it cost to get some decent equipment for home brewing? And is it even possible to make genuinely good beer? And how much would the hops and malts and everything cost? Because I'm honestly interested, but I don't know anything about this.
It's actually pretty easy, but also depends how much you want to get into it. At the least, you need a mash tun (where the grain starches are converted to sugars using the grains' enzymes), a boil kettle, and a fermenter. So, a five-gallon cooler (~$20) with the spigot swapped out to a thru-fitting and a ball valve (about $10) for your mash tun, at least a five-gallon kettle (seven gallons would be best so you can boil a full volume of wort [unfermented beer] without having to add water at the end to top up), ~$50-70, and a glass five-gallon carboy will suffice as a fermenter (about $25). So, for an investment of about $150, you can build your brewery.

Of course, some people get a little more "involved"... haha

To build a beer, you can buy kits from online stores with everything you need included, or you can design your own recipe and buy the raw ingredients. For a five-gallon batch, a kit using malt extracts costs about $25, keeping your average cost per beer under 50 cents. Compare that to the $1.25-2.50 you can pay for a 12-ounce bottle in stores, and you can see the cost savings.

The most important recipe in any beer is good healthy yeast. The most important principle in the process of making beer is cleanliness. Abide by those two rules and you can make better beer than what you can buy in the store. If you can make a cup of coffee in the morning, you can brew your own beer at home.

Check out and for good shops. I'm not sure what's in Finland though for better shipping, but the UK has also grown substantially in homebrew shops and quality. And, if you want the best source of information, join the AHA (American Homebrew Association) at There are also a large number of forums you can find all over the place that have good discussions on how to start.
Thanks man! I really gotta do this! Since I really love good beer, and I'd very much like to brew some own stuff... And the investment doesn't seem to be too big! I gotta look more into this! :grin:
I'm going to say my favourite beers are the ones I drink the most of - ones I can buy from pretty much any pub here in Australia:


Dog 90 is on my most-wanted list... second from the top, actually. Rochefort 10 is numero 1.

Gent, can you send beer through the mail? If so, I'd send you some. The Dogfish 90 is about $9.00 for a 4 pack and Rochefort 10 is $6 - 7.00 a bottle. I just saw the Dog 90 at my local Safeway the other day
and Rochefort 6, 8, and 10 is available at Bev-Mo here. Just sayin'.
90 and 60 minute IPA's are VEEEEERY nice! :kickass:

PS. "The Dogfish 90 is about $9.00 for a 4 pack " That's very cheap if you ask me!! Here in Finland 1 bottle (0.335l) of some American beer is like 3-5eur / bottle which is like 4-7 dollars.... each....
120-Minute IPA for the win. It's like syrup... haha. And Worldwide Stout as well.

You can order online as well, but some states do not allow alcohol to go through the mail for whatever reason. I'm not sure about shipping internationally to Canada though...

In other news, New Mexico just got its first shipment of Green Flash. No Grand Cru yet, but I'm still hopeful. Now if only we could get Bear Republic, Port, and Lost Abbey. But, Prog lives in CA and he's probably laughing at me since he can get all those at his local Safeway...

Now, if somebody can get me some Three Floyds (Indiana), that would be way awesome!
Gent, can you send beer through the mail? If so, I'd send you some. The Dogfish 90 is about $9.00 for a 4 pack and Rochefort 10 is $6 - 7.00 a bottle. I just saw the Dog 90 at my local Safeway the other day
and Rochefort 6, 8, and 10 is available at Bev-Mo here. Just sayin'.

As much as I appreciate the gesture... and am STILL tempted to accept, I don't think it is legal in Canada/Ontario. The LCBO controls all alcohol in Ontario (gov't owned monopoly).
If I decide to do it anyway, I'll let you know! lol! :rock:

^ 120 Minute is definitely very intriguing!
I'd also love to try some Lost Abbey and Three Floyds... Dark Lord, anyone?
I just had Victory Storm King Imperial Stout and Hercules Double IPA, and WOW! :OMG: Those were GREEEEEEEAT! I have to have those again asap!
We have so crappy beer selection here, and if I found something, like that Hercules Double IPA, it costs 10eur/0.33l... :Smug: