Your favourite beer

Leffe is my favourite of the "available everywhere around here" brews!

Leffe and Hoegaarden are what got me into the beer world! I owe a lot to 'em!

There are many beers that are far superior, of course, but they are hard to come by.

That being said, La Trappe Tripel is now going to be a regular stock at our liquor stores in Ontario :D

We also stock Chimay White/Red regularly!

Unibroue's Maudite, La Fin Du Monde, and Trois Pistoles are regulars at another common shop in Ontario. We are getting more and more options as time goes!
Hmm, I think there are beers with more alcohol than that, for example: "Sink the Bismarck is a quadruple IPA that contains four times the hops, four times the bitterness and frozen four times to create at a staggering 41% ABV."
I've been on a Stella and Spaten obsession for awhile now. Usually Stella (no goblet please.....) I have to be in the mood for Spaten.

Also some varieties of Fat Tire sometimes.
Free beer is my favourite beer.

Actually, I only drink alcohol every other month or so and don't really make much distinction between different brands of beer as they all taste more or less like shit. Hence, I reckon the cheaper, the better.
Free beer is my favourite beer.

Actually, I only drink alcohol every other month or so and don't really make much distinction between different brands of beer as they all taste more or less like shit. Hence, I reckon the cheaper, the better.

This is typical for inexperienced beer drinkers. I can't blame you for feeling this way, since almost all mainstream beers, and beers the general public drink/recommend ARE garbage. (Not to mention, they taste very similar to one another)

Once you start drinking REAL beer, you will probably change your mind.

My favourite beers are usually around 9% ABV. Most beers that are this high taste like shitty alcohol bombs, but those are the ones made with the intention of getting people drunk.
When a beer is made properly, and with passion, the high ABV is there to compliment the flavours and add complexity.

I could blind taste dozens of quality beers, and name each of them. They all have their own characteristics.
ABQ, Do you know anything about Sam Adams Utopias? I saw a show about beer history and this
has the highest alcohol content of any beer. I was wondering if you or anyone else has tried any?

Yeah, Utopias! Haven't had a chance to taste it yet. It's ridiculously expensive.

Hmm, I think there are beers with more alcohol than that, for example: "Sink the Bismarck is a quadruple IPA that contains four times the hops, four times the bitterness and frozen four times to create at a staggering 41% ABV."

Unfortunately, in freezing and removing the water to increase the ABV, they're also removing most of the flavor components as well, particularly about 75% of those extra hops they've put in the wort. Not a good idea. And, if they are brewing a regular Imperial IPA, the heavy wort will reduce the utilization of the hops' alpha acids; so, the "four times the hops" amount used does not equate "four times the bitterness" before being frozen. Now, if they're brewing a much lower-gravity beer and adding that much more hops, then they will see much more bitterness; however, without the proper malt backbone to balance the bitter, I would imagine it wouldn't taste so good. But, that's just me rambling about brewing techniques - the only real metric is taste, which you actually have to taste to judge. :D

I'll give Utopias the win on the ABV here since it is a properly brewed-to-ridiculously-high-gravity beer.

I've been on a Stella and Spaten obsession for awhile now. Usually Stella (no goblet please.....) I have to be in the mood for Spaten.

Also some varieties of Fat Tire sometimes.

I just finished the last of my sixer of Optimator. I hadn't had that in several years. Way good thing to go back to.
Yeah, Utopias! Haven't had a chance to taste it yet. It's ridiculously expensive.

Unfortunately, in freezing and removing the water to increase the ABV, they're also removing most of the flavor components as well, particularly about 75% of those extra hops they've put in the wort. Not a good idea. And, if they are brewing a regular Imperial IPA, the heavy wort will reduce the utilization of the hops' alpha acids; so, the "four times the hops" amount used does not equate "four times the bitterness" before being frozen. Now, if they're brewing a much lower-gravity beer and adding that much more hops, then they will see much more bitterness; however, without the proper malt backbone to balance the bitter, I would imagine it wouldn't taste so good. But, that's just me rambling about brewing techniques - the only real metric is taste, which you actually have to taste to judge. :D

I'll give Utopias the win on the ABV here since it is a properly brewed-to-ridiculously-high-gravity beer.

I just finished the last of my sixer of Optimator. I hadn't had that in several years. Way good thing to go back to.

:popcorn: :yow:


I bought some Southern Tier 2XIPA and drank a bunch. Definitely an enjoyable beer.
I prefer their Gemini blend, but this holds its own.
I also had Southern's Tier's Chocolat Stout, and it was great. I love those guys!
I recently had the chance to taste some Trappistes Rochefort 8, and I have to say that's probably the best beer I've ever had. I'll try to get my hands on some Rochefort 10 as soon as I can :kickass:
I like drink beer too,but problem in Italy is they put some restricted laws ,so if you drive and police gets you alcol test,if you drink less than half liter of beer
they retire your car licence. You have to wait at least 6 hours since your last drink,that's why I drink much only if I don't drive or stay at home,when I go
to a gig I only drink water or juice,I prefeir not to risk .
you're very lucky,here many pubs are about to close for these laws. Next october I'm going to sx gig and I have to drive about 200 KM so I won't drink
at the club
Me and my friends are going to Prague on the 13th of September. We're renting a house for a month, so if you guys know any good Beer restaurants in prague. pls tell me!! :Spin:
I don't know of any, but my old soccer buddy went a few years back and told me quite the stories of paying a nickel for a liter of beer wherever he went. Frickin' awesome! The region is very steeped in beer history though, and the story of Plzen is very worth the read.

Enjoy your trip and bring back some stories for the nuts, please.