Your favourite beer

I like any number of beers, right now I'm more about the IPA's. Ninkasi's Tricerihops is probably one of the best i've had lately. But, I'm a broke musician who doesn't have the luxury of being a beer snob all the time, most of the time it's good ol' Rainier.

My favourite is Leffe Blonde, or Leffe Radieuse... I've only had Radieuse once, since it's hard to get here, but I quite enjoyed it, and I think I preferred it to the Blonde.
I also like Hoegaarden a lot...
and for a common beer around here (Canada), my favourite is Alexander Keith's IPA.
I really love the taste of Belgian beers. There's some sort of clovey taste goin' on, and it's awesome!
I’m a huge Ipa ale that is hoppy fan
I also like Sam Adams Boston lager and brown ale.
Believe it or not when im not drinking ale or the fine IPA's I drink Miller high life ( I still love the stuff after all these years LOL!!)
I was a Coors fan for a while but just recently stopped likening it
But My favorite use to Be Pete’s Wicked Ale the original brew but they have changed and also don't distribute around my area anymore, If any of you have tried it and know of a brew that is close in taste let me know please thanks !!!!
Is it bad to like Saranac Pale Ale ? I know nothing about beers but this stuff seems to go down easy without the watered or weak coffee type flavor of typical beers
Never had it, Steve. But why would it be bad to drink something you like? ;)

I checked the website - sounds like an interesting hop profile throwing the Cascades in with a bunch of English varieties. I would be interested in trying out that Rye IPA shown on their website though. About the only knock I can find reading about their beers is the very low alcohol contents of beers that should, by style, be much bigger. The IPAs should be over 6% and the bocks as well. The Oktoberfest looks very paltry under 6% - bocks are pretty big beers and they don't seem to have them brewed that way.
I drink mostly IPA's. I absolutely love hoppy beers.

My "session" IPA is Harpoon IPA from Boston. I can drink plenty of these and not even get a buzz or bloated. Nice crisp taste for an IPA but doesnt bring that "kick" with it.

IPA's I'm known to buy that are available to me are Hoptical Illusion, Sebago Fryes Leap, and Racer 5.

My favorite beer Id have to say is the seasonal beer by Troegs Brewery......NUGGET NECTAR. Mmmmmmmm!

I've tried over 250 different IPA's. Love Greenflash West Coast IPA, Avery IPA, Big Daddy IPA etc etc.

Wish I had access to more but NH blows for microbrew beer even in distribution. I have to go to MA usually.

I do like some other beers such as a few Sam Adams (Octoberfest, Lager, and Ale) as well as Saranac Pale Ale, and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.
I drink mostly IPA's. I absolutely love hoppy beers.

IPA's I'm known to buy that are available to me are Hoptical Illusion, Sebago Fryes Leap, and Racer 5.


Hoptical Illusion has to be the Best F*&*ing name for a beer ever i gotta find this , but I am also a huge IPA fan too !!
Hoptical Illusion has to be the Best F*&*ing name for a beer ever i gotta find this , but I am also a huge IPA fan too !!

I live pretty close to you so you should be able to find it with ease. I'm by Exeter NH now and the Market Basket in Epping NH carries it. Ever been to Julios Liquors in Westboro MA? Place is awesome.
There are some really great Aussie beers: Little Creatures Pale Ale, Knappstein Reserve Lager, Coopers Pale Ale, James Squire Sundown Lager etc, but my all-time favourites go to the Japanese super dry beers like Asahi and Sapporo.