Your favourite citations, poems, sayings...


Sep 17, 2003
Hungary, Budapest
My favourites are:

"Stand rigid for the next battle, peace means reloading your guns"

/Dimmu Borgir-Puritanical Euphoric Misantrophia-Blessings Upon The Throne Of Tyranny/ :Shedevil:

"All that you are, is the result of what you have thought..."


"Everything changes, but everything's constant"

My favourite quote would be my signature, Friedrich Nietzsche 1894.

Another outstanding one is a greek- roman prayer from the late 4th century(trying a translation):

"Parched with thirst am I and dying,
Nay, drink of me, the ever flowing spring,
Where to the right is a fair cypress.
Who are thou?
Where are thou?
I am the son of earth and star- filled with heaven,
but from heaven alone is my house. "
some are:

"it's a fucking disgrace how the sane and unable rule the world" [Morgul, song: Violent Perfect Illusions]

"Spirit is your fate and burden
Spirit is your destination" [Agathodaimon, song: Spirit Soldier]

"We're an endless procession of lost, dispossessed unbelievers " [Skyclad, song: A Clown Of Thorns]

"in deep sleep -
widen the landscape of mind.
Dreaming and seeing -
more than a lifetime could give" [Sentenced, song: Dreamlands (old Sentenced) ]
My signature

and i like this part of a song :

In us all there are two separate sides
That which is evil and that which is good
Some people live by one side and others by the second
Both of them have a little bit of the other
But it must remain clear that the two depend on each other
Remember, evil is a part of the good and not the opposite
There is no sadness without joy and there is no joy without pain
There is no holy without impure and there can be no blasphemy without
Thus the two sides must live in harmony
Unbalanced forever the evil urge brought lots of pain
It is so hard to defeat it
The evil urge sometimes arrives with heavy boots
And sometimes in gentle cat's steps
And even through blessed deeds it can drive you into deeds of wrong
A here is the one which concurs his urge
And so we must wonder what shall be the faith of the man who destroys
and embraces the other...

Quoted from "The evil urge - Orphaned Land"
I liked Jan-Erik's.

"Witchcraft, blood and satan
Meet the face of death"
Mayhem - Carnage

Vi doede ikkje...
Vi har aldrig levt

- Burzum - Det som Engang Var

"What will be left of me when I'm dead?
There was nothing when I lived"
Mayhem - Life Eternal (Written by DEAD)

De Mysteriis dom Sathanas has lots of great ones. That is probably the best album ever made.
Sorath said:
De Mysteriis dom Sathanas has lots of great ones. That is probably the best album ever made.

Yeah, like "Freezing Moon"! What a fucking great song, both musically and lyrically! DEAD fucking ruled, he was truly true! :worship:
Usually I hate citations and repeating other peoples sayings.. But this one I like, it's from Hávamál:

82. Í vindi skal við höggva,
veðri á sjó róa,
myrkri við man spjalla,
mörg eru dags augu;
á skip skal skriðar orka,
en á skjöld til hlífar,
mæki höggs,
en mey til kossa.


* Swedish:
82. I blåsväder skall skog man fälla,
i bris ro ut på öppet hav,
i mörkret med mö språka,
ty många är dagens ögon.
å skepp skall man fart göra
och skölden till skydd hava,
till fäktning svärdet
och flickan att kyssa.

* English:
82. Hew wood in wind, sail the seas in a breeze,
woo a maid in the dark, -- for day's eyes are many, --
work a ship for its gliding, a shield for its shelter,
a sword for its striking, a maid for her kiss.
Deyr fé, deyja frændr,
deyr salfr it sama, ek veit einn
at aldrei deyr: dómr um dauðan hvern.

Fä dör, fränder dör
Även själv viker du hädan
Ett vet jag som aldrig dör;
Domen över död man.
Tons of stuff from The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Greatest book ever.

This one is pretty good too... and kinda mean ;)

"Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics, even if you win, you're still a retard."