your favourite katatonia lyirc?

not close enough for you
to hear a breath or steal a sigh
but just close enough for me
to take a step and pass you by
Tough one. Jonas has written so many unforgettable lyrics that it's hard to pick just one, but this is one of my faves

in your eyes you're alive
but in my eyes you're a lie my eyes you're THE lie
No one here knows my name, no I have traded my memories for things, but i remember clearly do you remember that I used to sing, why have you waited so long.
Omerta that song gets me ever time damnit me its really hard to say what my favorite Lyrics still depends on my situation, my feelings. But theres one song that always fits on my way of sight, my impressions of life:

"Somehow I never leave this Deadhouse, somehow I dont mind being gone..."

The time when I was most close to Katatonia was on the release of Tonights was also a time, when I was losing my girfriend after a long tragedy, but thats another story...

"If you would tell me that I was someone, for a second i would think...just like I would try to consider how it feels to know"

"You came back to a place without sun, and you dont seem to know what you've done to me. Now I see...darkness is what you left in me."

Also there is a song that always comes up in my mind when i dont know how to live on...called "Black Session".

Hmmm...guess i could continue with this for a lot of pages...that should be enough for now /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif
Hey Portisfreak you‘ve stolen my part:
"If you would tell me that I was someone, for a second I would think...just like I would try to consider how it feels to know"

It’s not easy at all, but I’ve decided to add the following:
‘Burn down my house and make sth happen
Stab me in the heart and make a thing stop’ – as an essential part of ‘Chrome’ lyric

‘It’s black session, an invitation of sorts’

From ‘the Future of Speech’ I would rather choose the next para:
‘I have no lies or truth in what I say – there’s no meaning
The words are numb and I’m afraid – there’s no meaning’

And excuse me, but I cannot stop myself:
‘Be still for a moment everything depends upon you, if you die, I will die to’ :[
four numbers staring back at me
displaying the mediocrity of my presence
i´m wasting my day watching them change

Somehow better without this
Headlights fuck the city

used to care about weather used to plan the days that came
used to try and watch you used to know my name
someone said remember but i can't remember anything at all
anything at all
This whole song...

she's got black hair
and she has got a black dress
she's pretending
that her life is a mess

And especially [this part]:

I live 'cause I need more light
I hope I can change today
she would never think of changing
too much fucking emo, it's false (I know)

And Funeral Wedding, because it just fucking rules.
who could call my name without regretting
who could promise to never destroy me
tonight my head is full of wishes
and everything is full of her

Tonight's music...
Pretty much all of Last Fair Deal... can't pick any lyric from there.
On Viva:
Truth I have seen it come
Seen the ghost of the sun
Can't have it all undone
In time we all call out for relief
See two lovers meet
Pass you on the street - Ghost Of The Sun

My dreams,Dreams of violence...See them coming true - Criminals

Defy only if you have a way to resist the lies
Decline only if you have the intention of taking this advice
Apply only if you're not afraid to see your spirit die
Retreat only if you dare not hear yourself say goodbye - Will I Arrive
You spoke out of my heart when selecting "the future of speech" lyrics. Its kind of a fear we all have when we think about humanity and our world, and I'm frightend to become "numb minded" like so many people, or even our civilizations are on this world....we lose our "meaning"...
Portisfreak said:
You spoke out of my heart (...) Its kind of a fear we all have (...) we lose our "meaning"...

Seems we have the same fears my friend... The world is filling up with empty and numb creatures-all went off the rails. We try not to flow with the tide...

:) It's nice to hear I spoke out of your heart-even if it was Jonas who actually did... He's just incredible-always hits the nail on the head... Sweet suffering :)