your favourite solo?


Apr 13, 2010
i've searchbarred this and i didn't find a thread about favourite solo's :heh:

so, what's your favorite evile solo?
i know it's a hard choice because Ol is a great lead-guitarist... but my favorites must be the solo's in hundred wrathful deities, devoid of thought, time no more, nosophoros , thrasher , man against machine and all the solo's in we who are about to die :lol: (oh and i know the that the last solo in we who are about to die is played by matt)

and if i had to pick one solo out of those, i think it would be hundred wrathful deities because that solo is incredibly fast and it still sounds great! and with the slow solo Ol shows that he can write beautiful slow solos too!

Ol for president :) not saying matt is bad.

so, what's your choice?
so would you like to hear some more slow solo stuff on the next album or wouldn't you mind it if it is all speedy as hell?
darkness shall bring death and enter the grave demo

for some reason I like the solos on the ETG demo recording more
Well let me firstly say that I have asked Ol this question and he stated 100 Wraithful Deities as his fav solo so well done you guys for thinking the same

I really couldn't chose as such but that track is up there but if I am being honest I would have to go for Thrasher, it makes me smile everytime I hear it, it's the sheer joy and abundance of the fretwork makes it so spot on

Good Topic
what i like so much about Ol's solo's is that he has some solo's like i have never heared before! take Man Against Machine with al those pinch harmonics ... so creative:p and they way he kicks off his solo in We Who Are About to Die with the ''diving'' harmonic, :worship:

and i like his solo's because they seem to tell a story:p this may sound retarded but take Thrasher, that solo has such a nice melody that it sounds like a story on itself, i have the same feeling with the solo's in metallica's - sanitarium. i hope y'all understand what i mean ><!
I fucking bow to the first Thrasher solo(no pun intended) every time I hear it.

We Who Are About To Die, Infected Nations and Nosophoros are also totally amazing.
I like Hundred because of what I like to take as a tribute to judas priest. Listen to the solo riff then this

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It does sound quite similar. :D

Anyway, I think best solo was the one in Nosophoros. Closely followed by We Who Are About to Die (the main one, sorry Matt) and My Parasite because it just comes out of nowhere and its awesome. Oh yeah, and Burned Alive too...for some reason....