Your favourite solo


Active Member
Jan 18, 2003
Budapest, Hungary
What's the song, where are your favourite solo (guitar, keyboard, or drum...) :lol:
My: Hate Me (keyboard and Allu, Ale- guitar), and Lil' bloddred ridin' hood (Alexi - solo) :D
You're so right about Hate Me!! And the best synth solo is, without a doubt, Chokehold. I usually don't like synth solos at all, but that one really kicks.

Drums is a tougher one.. Every cob SONG is a drum solo, but i really like the hi-hat/ride thing at beginning of Chokehold.:worship:
This is a tough question... argh every single solo off the new album kicks so much ass! I'd have to say for emotion, nothing beats Triple Corpse Hammerblow. :eek: It actually feels like the Reaper's coming for you and you can't escape (well you do momentarily but Janne finishes you off)... :D Hmm well it's probably a tie between that and Alexi's solo in Angels Don't Kill. But they are all so great! I really like You're Better Off Dead's solo too though, and the title track's as well. And Bodom Beach Terror's solos, and... dammit they are just too good at what they do. :headbang:

Anohter: yeah, the drum(ming) is a gruelling stuff...
But in a Manowar song... There is a drum solo... about 5minutes...

Stun: do you like Alexi's solo in Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood?
Yep, I like all their solos.. that's a really cool, very rock n rollish solo in that song.

About the drums... Jaska is very talented, but in terms of speed there are many, many better. He's still my fav drummer tho (speed ain't everything, not by a long shot). I think he should really do a drum solo on their next cd! Not just a little intro but the climax of the song (instead of a guitar and/or keyboard solo) should be a crazy drum solo. That would kick ass.
>Arch Enemy - Starbreaker

is that a Priest cover? if so, \m/

i like a lot of solos...
- the whole instrumental part on Triple Corpse Hammberblow is simply amazing
- Follow the reaper has a nice ass solo, short but mercyless...

all the rest of the solos of this band never drop down the line of BUTT KICKING

non CoB:
Judas Priest - One shot at glory (best soloing ever)
Judas Priest - Painkiller (almost best soloing ever)
Rage - Dies Irae (fucking wild)
Helloween - Midnight Sun (downright astonishing song too)
Angra - Speed (beat that playing!)
Megadeth - Hangar 18 (unforgettable)
Almafuerte - Se vos (argentinian magic)