your games


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city
since the question in the q&a thread looks like a topic full of promise, and since i'm actually curious about what you people like(d) to do on the computer besides posting here, downloading music, watching videos of people being decapitated, and cybering with someone you'll hopefully never meet, here it comes:
post your favorite games of all times, the worst ones, your interest in emulators or lack thereof... anything you're interested in letting us know on the topic.
well i'm not the great computer player anymore. at the moment i play a lot of Battlefield Vietnam and besides a bit Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. and sometimes Carom 3d pool games online :D

hmmm really cool old games... i don't know... but for sure one is Sam & Max hit the road :D
Operation Flashpoint is my all-time-favourite, really old cool games include It Came From The Desert, Ultima Underworld, Wing Commander and Monkey Island 1. though it is amazing how little fun it is to play these titles again now...
Ive been playing Quake 3 and CS a lot, and now Im curious about HL2 and CS:S :)
I liked Anno 1602 a lot, a pity the successor, Anno 1503 kinda sucks.. apart from that, only C&C Tiberian Sun stands out really.
Lately, Ive been playing Flatout and Homeworld2, both good games but not meant to last ;)
Is this strictly PC only?

If so, the first game I ever played was Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards, even though I was only 7 or 9 or something like that at the time. Then we borrowed Theme Park, which was alright. That was on computer number one.

An upgrade let me play Toca Touring Cars (brilliant racing game, second only to its sequel), Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (I love the strategy and planning element of it, but on that computer the action would never run smoothly), and various versions of Championship Manager. CM is easily my most-played-on PC game in all its various versions.

On the current computer I've downloaded various games, the best of which are Morrowind and GTA Vice City. Doom 3 wouldn't work, and most other things I've barely played - Battlefield 1942, Fallout 2, Rainbow Six 3 - Raven Shield, Syberia, The Sims 2.
Morrowind, Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 2. Those are the top dogs in my list.

Right now i want to get that Punisher game for pc, quite frankly, because im a sucker for violence and nothing more, but i got tired of bit torrents and its not yet fully uploaded on emule, so in the meantime im playing all the Zelda games i missed, im almost through with the new Minish cap and next im playing both oracles, that surprisining enough, can played on my cellphone ( nokia 3650 )
The Blade runner Game was the best game ever. It was fun and mystical. Rather strategic with great graphics. It's the only game I've dreamt about and played so much that my body-clock got screwed.

I also love rollercoaster Tycoon. Theme Parks are ace, and making them is better than ace.

For non PC games GTA San Andreas needs an honorable mention. It is like life, but more than life, it's like super virtual life where I can kill people and not be punished.
Yes! Blade Runner is one of the few great games made based on a movie. I loved the story and the fact that it wasn't entirely linear and had multiple endings. Probably the best game in its genre (movie based game, that is), I'm glad they didn't decide to go with the same characters as in the movie or anything.

I'm just too lazy to start naming games, so I'll keep yelling when people talk of games that I loved to play. :)
muahaha, I thought that question up ;)

err anyways, my favourite Nintendo Games were Mario 3 (everyone has to love that one) and Haunted Mansion...
I also liked the Super Nintendio Mario (the one with Yoshi)

in Playstation 2, I love Kingdom Hearts, played it like three times all the way through, can't wait for the second one

I don't really play computer games.... I used to play tetris and solitaire and freecell obsesively (as in, REALLY obsesively) so I had to eraese them from my computer so I could go on from my life. sometimes I still dream about the tetris pieces coming down and me arranging them though... :p
Those were the days. When dad bought our first computer (25 Mhz, 4 mb RAM and 40 mb hard drive, later with an external cd-drive which required its own CPU :guh: ) my grandma gave Railroad tycoon to me and my siblings as christmas present. That's still a great game, if one can find a computer old enough to start it. Civilization was the next game to hook me up. At this time I was about eleven years old and I was almost as bad in English as I am today, so there were plenty of menu options that I didn't understand. I never reached any success in those games, but I kept playing them anyway. That's what I call a good game; even when you lose again and again and again, you can't stay away from it.

When I think about it today, it feels like Civilization 2 was the only game I played for several years. Sid Meier - what a genius.

A time after I finally started to get tired of civ2, I got my first rpg: Planescape - Torment. I still haven't finished it due to corrupt save files and regular reformattings, but it made me want to play similar games. So I made my little brother buy ( :eek: ) Baldur's gate 2.

The games that I depend on today are Civ3 and Morrowind, the latter must be number two on the playtime list for me, only beaten by civ2. I discovered Morrowind rather late, sad to say. Some people think it's difficult to get into (and the first time you play it might be tough to even reach level two, I admit that) and monotonous, but that's their loss. I think it's a brilliant game with great environments and intriguing story that never becomes boring.
Now I wonder which will be my next favourite game.
I actually played Alone In The Dark. (You know, the game that the movie was with the same name is based off of. And the movie containing a soundtrack from our favorite Swedish Melodic Death Metal band).


It ran well on my 486 back the days and it was the first of its kind, while games like Tomb Raiders based the graphics and design off of it.

The next über-kewl game is Boulderdash. Awesome arcade-style game that ran on my Apple IIe. Those old Apple II's are very metal.
Let's see... last game i loved was Half Life 2, which beat Half Life as the best FPS ever.

Age of Empires 1 & 2 i played an awful lot when they were new, same with Civilisation 2.

Worms and Lemmings are both classics.

Best game on console was Banjo Kazooie for N64, love that game and the sequal.

There are probably more im missing, hm.. I loved games when i was younger, then got reasonably bored with them, but the last 6 months or so i've got back into them a bit and actually finished a few games.

[geek]Now i'm writing my own little game.. :)[/geek]
old zelda games kick my arse
anyone know where to get some for an emulator? anyone know where i can get a good emulator - mine sucks.
i've been playing video games for almost twenty years... since the mighty Commodore 64 (those were the days) so i'd have to list too many titles. just to name a few:
- monkey island 1/2
- zak mckraken
- superfrog
- bubble bobble / rainbow island
- fallout
- morrowind
- eye of the beholder 1/2
- arcanum
- half-life 2

and the best gaming experience i've ever had: half-life (the original)
i'll list some that have already been mentioned:

the oldest games i remember fondly are bubble bobble and rags to riches. i'm sure you're all familiar with the former. the latter is some odd experiment in simulation, c64 style, where you started out as a bum and had to climb your way up the social ladder by collecting coins and dollars in an ever-scrolling urban setting where the only options were to enter stores to exchange your money/get haircuts/get jobs, or to get caught by policemen, who would put you in jail if you hadn't shaven in four days (wtf?), thieves who would steal your hard-earned cash, and tax-collectors who would steal the money you have in the bank. this all occurs in real time and with no actual strategic planning at all. :lol:

some other favorites from the amiga and early pc period are: black crypt, eye of the beholder 1 and 2, might and magic 4 and 5, prince of persia, tomb raider 3. i'm sort of enamored by many other lesser known titles because of the nostalgia effect: me having always been a crappy player, i've spent endless hours contemplating even the simplest of games.

best adventure: quest for glory 2: trial by fire

best rpg: morrowind

best rts: dune 2

best strategic/rpg: heroes of might and magic 4

best fps: hexen

best action/adventure: prince of persia: sands of time
rahvin said:
some other favorites from the amiga and early pc period are: black crypt, eye of the beholder 1 and 2, might and magic 4 and 5, prince of persia, tomb raider 3. i'm sort of enamored by many other lesser known titles because of the nostalgia effect: me having always been a crappy player, i've spent endless hours contemplating even the simplest of games.

hey rahvin so i reckon you too are an old amiga fan?
and how come i forgot black crypt??? i remember it scared me shitless the first time you find the mega-flying skull that turns characters to stone!!!
Strider said:
hey rahvin so i reckon you too are an old amiga fan?
and how come i forgot black crypt??? i remember it scared me shitless the first time you find the mega-flying skull that turns characters to stone!!!

yeah, i guess we went the same way (and i don't mean through black crypt :p): c64/amiga/pc. my mom started using computers rather early, so it always seemed natural to have one at home. me being at the time quite the introvert, i would easily choose sitting in front of my machine over cavorting in the sun with the other kids. somehow i avoided becoming a geek. most of the other kids didn't avoid winding up in jail. :D