music for your funeral

Never posted here before, anyway, I would want to hear When by Opeth, no wait, Epilogue by Opeth....yes definitely Epilogue. That would probably be the perfect song for a funeral.
Dead silence :)

And - fuck funerals, all those bodies in the soil - that's just human manure, I will be cremated and my ashes will be spread over Atlantic Ocean. If I die, of course.
Well, they're not complet strangers. It was love at first sight, and the killing part makes it even more romantic....
Tritonus said:
Well, they're not complet strangers. It was love at first sight, and the killing part makes it even more romantic....

When love and death embrace...

Like snuff-porn.
pah. their relationship lasted three days - so much for love at first sight. :p

if there at least was any hint of her voluntarily having her head bashed in because "all beauty must die" i probably could've seen what you mean, now i do kind of fail to. meaningless death and all, you know. ;)
Delirious said:
meaningless death and all, you know. ;)

Hm, I thought our existence (as humanity... alright - or at least mine :P) was meaningless, and only death had some meaning - the least of marking the end of existence. But I'd rather get back to watching gay goat porn. :goggly:
well, pretty much everything - even gay goat porn - is meaningless seen from a certain perspective, now isn't it?

what i meant is simply that if one wants a romantical death to avoid it being, relatively speaking, pointless, i'd say elisa day could have done better.

(edit: "gay goat porn" mentioned three posts in a row. this thread is romantical, after all.)
Tritonus said:
i once sang on a funeral... It was Annie's song... perfect funeral song

oh, my funeral is going to be a BLAST for everyone attending! Shame I won't be around... or will I? :zombie:
I'll be dead and i won't be able to hear the music or see the show, but the thought of a norse-king-style funeral involving a little boat in the middle of a lake and an arrow shot from the shore with fire on its tip sounds nice. And the music would probably be In Extremo's Unter dem meer (sung by the person who loves me most, if she's still alive by then):

Tod, bitterer tod
Tod, bitterer tod
Du räuber nahmst die liebste mir
Und lässt mich leiden fern von ihr
Tod, bitterer tod
Hast du lebend sie gehasst?
Nun bist du satt von diesem bissen
Werd ohne liebe leben müssen
Du schleichst so lautlos wie ein tier
Welcher fluch treibt dich zu mir?
Doch über den wolken
Und unter dem meer
Hinter all deinen sünden
Werd ich dich finden
Doch über den wolken
Und unter dem meer
In deinem heim
Wirst du nicht sicher sein
Tod, grausamer tod
Tod, grausamer tod
Zwei waren wir, doch nur ein herz
Wir teilten liebe, wir teilten schmerz
Tod, grausamer tod
Mich erdrückt die tränenlast
Bis zum ende werd ich sie suchen
Bis zum ende werd ich dich verfluchen
Du schleichst so lautlos wie ein tier
Welcher fluch treibt dich zu mir?
Doch über den wolken
Und unter dem meer
Hinter all deinen sünden
Werd ich dich finden
Doch über den wolken
Und unter dem meer
In deinem heim
Wirst du nicht sicher sein
Du bist zwar satt von diesem bissen
Doch wirst mein leid bald teilen müssen

Death, bitter death
Death, bitter death
You thief to take my dearest
And leave me to suffer far from her
Death, bitter death
Did you hate her alive?
Now you are full from this bite
Will have to survive without love
You creep silently like an animal
Which curse drives you to me?
But above the clouds
And under the sea
Behind all your sins
I will find you
But above the clouds
And under the sea
In your home
You will not be safe
Death, terrible death
Death, terrible death
We were two, but only one heart
We shared love, we shared pain
Death, terrible death
The weight of tears suffocates me
I will search for her to the end
I will curse you to the end
You creep silently like an animal
Which curse drives you to me?
But above the clouds
And under the sea
Behind all your sins
I will find you
But above the clouds
And under the sea
In your home
You will not be safe
Now you are full from this bite
But you will soon have to share my suffering