music for your funeral

VultureCulture said:
well i lived near and worked in cologne, so where exactly are you from?
i bet funerals are just for church types and the like. oh, but they also held a mass for willi millowitsch, against a good amount of resistance from a few church members.

First thing: Willy really deserved to have his funeral mass in there... he did a lot for the city...
Second: I am living in Köln - Ossendorf... but I was raised in Köln_Riehl...

Where do you live and work?
right now i live in saarbrücken for studying reasons, i lived approx 25 km to the east in a nest called lohmar. if you are a biker, you probably know it, else you probably don't :) i used to work at the kaufhof hauptverwaltung right at the neumarkt as a software developer.

jott schütze uns auf dieser welt
vor nippes, kalk un ehrenfeld! ;)
jazz is just about jamming around. mostly of the time. im not too fond of these things. blues is interesting tho :D shit theyre jamming around too. aaah :(