Your greatest accomplishment of 2006

Graphical designer for the phone book here, had it since I graduated (well, half-time for starters and I still do administrative work as well)... And J. having a bebbe was old news as well mr updated :loco:
Uprooting and changing my entire life around and moving from the Northeast to Florida. Lots of pros and cons to the whole thing, but just getting it done was a monstrous task that I'm proud of.

Other than that, Heathen Crusade I was off the charts awesome. Catching D666 for the first time in such and intimate and .... uh "unique" setting was also right up there on the memorable scale.

Moving in with my girlfriend :) Plus managed to get a very decent mark for my third year at uni at the same time as juggling UM and ZT.

Also travelled a fair bit, spending almost a month in various parts of Norway, visiting the arctic circle, and seeing NY again.

In terms of metal, seeing Emperor & Opeth live was pretty cool :)
The 2006 highlight for me was without doubt me and my friend's three month journey through Southeast Asia and India, which was cool, disgusting, strange, bewildering, beautiful, tirering and grand.

Other than that, nothing much really. I went for a long hike this summer which was nice, but no women crossed my path and I spent the autumn/winter in a dull factory assembling heat pumps.
The 2006 highlight for me was without doubt me and my friend's three month journey through Southeast Asia and India, which was cool, disgusting, strange, bewildering, beautiful, tirering and grand.

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Did you go to Pondicherry and check out Pi's old zoo? :loco:
Going to concerts is an accomplishment? :lol:

I was elected president of the jelly of the month club