Your greatest accomplishment of 2006

Probably getting my master's degree, but that has been overshadowed by getting the fuck far far away from my psychotic ex-girlfriend which I got done on Dec 29th officially. That alone redeems the year.
Toss up between:

Moved in with a woman for the first time, didn't subsequently kill self/others.

Recorded first complete solo demo, didn't subsequently kill self/others.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Did you go to Pondicherry and check out Pi's old zoo? :loco:

Hehe, sad to say I didn`t. I never really liked the book very much and secondly I fled India two weeks earlier than first planned. My stomach was in an appaling condition and the whole continent started getting on my nerves. I mean, there´s so much people and they never leave you alone!
Got a new job which is awesome, nothing beats getting payed to do things you love. Musical career (for lack of a better word) has been getting exponentially better and more rewarding. Overall though, Im gonna say fuck 2006 and look forward to a better year in 2007.
it's a tossup between living in south america and playing a show with a klingon death metal band and eating some pot brownies with said klingon death metal band