Please tell me which shop this was. I will start shopping there from now on
Got it from Cash Converters in Ballarat. Sold it at the Music Swop (yes swop) shop in Carlton Melbourne.
Another true story:
I was in Allans music Ballarat, talking to some guy from Geelong, and he ordered an OLP bass (a copy of the Musicman Stingray), saying that he liked the playability of the $329AUS OLP over the Musicman Stingray! (I thought, whatever floats ya boat), and he payed via credit card and they went out the back to fetch it. They came back with the bass in the box, gave him the paperwork and handed it over to him. Now me being a nice cunt and all that, asked if I could have a look at it and joked around that he better have a look at it in case it was the wrong colour! (There have been a few fuck ups at Allans in Ballarat, similar to this). Well fuck me, when he took it out of the box, I noticed straight away it was the colour he was after (black), but it wasnt the OLP he was after, it was the MUSICMAN STINGRAY! Now we are near the exit and the deal had been done, and I said "WOW DUDE!, Thats a FUCKING MUSICMAN". (Had the tag price on it at $3299AUS!). To which he replied "Oh damn, thats not what I ordered. Thanks for asking me to open it", and with that returned to the counter to tell them of their fuck up! (Meanwhile, I am picking my jaw up off the ground!).
I go to the counter to see whats gonna happen, he informs the assistant of what has happened, (I am still facepalming myself at this point) and all those 2 cunts at Allans could muster up was "someones gonna get their arse kicked for this!", no thankyou, just a "We'll order you your OLP, sorry about the mix up, should be here within 2 weeks", no discount, NOTHING!
That is the freakiest purchase I have witnessed, and it made my belief stronger that people from Geelong are really drug fucked after all!