
Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
just wondering should i always were ear plugs when i play live and also when i go to shows and stuff.

For the most part i wear ear plugs whenever i can but i cant all the time and i work around loud stuff and like to go to concerts. :kickass:
broken81 said:
just wondering should i always were ear plugs when i play live and also when i go to shows and stuff.

For the most part i wear ear plugs whenever i can but i cant all the time and i work around loud stuff and like to go to concerts. :kickass:

yes, my hearing is dying off slowly but surely... Only problem i found, there is a lot less adrenaline involved on stage if it gets too quiet- quite weird i found.
I'm only 31 but have lost around 20-25% of the hearing in my right ear. Stupidly, I never wore plugs and the combination of somewhere in the region of around 500-600 gigs and always standing to the left of the drummer so I could hear his snare/hats better had a big part in that happening. While I'm no longer playing live these days, it's still a pain having to tilt your head to one side to properly hear people.....

I'd suggest getting some proper fitted plugs made. There's some great options available that only cancel out the harshest frequencies and still let you "feel" the music. The latter was my lame excuse....silly boy me.
I used to wear them for the opening bands set, and not for my own, as I used the "feel" excuse - I tried them in at my last gig, and actually could hear a lot better. Harsh high end was all gone - I could almost only hear kick and snare from the drums, which is all I want anyways.

For watching other shows, so far, I haven't been able to watch a band without earplugs. I always find live sound to be waaaaay too high endy and harsh, to the point where you can't really hear anything that distinctly, and it blurs everything together. The earplugs kill off the high frequencies in an awesome way - I use Hearo's Hi-Fi (which really aren't that hi-fi), but I pull them out a bit - works great to adjust volume and frequency filtering, just moving them around in your ear a bit, pulling them a touch out, etc.

That said, I'm always right upfront, so I'm not hearing any PA sound - it's all straight from the stage.
yea problem i have when i play at practice and start head banging and geting crazy my ear plugs fly out but i am just using cheap home depot special ear plugs.

Any thoughts on maybe stoping this so i could wear them live without lossing one or both durring set??
I'm still young 25 :Smug: but i have put my hearing through a lot of abuse over the past 10 years playing at insane levels with my old bands and never wearing ear plugs but I'm almost afraid to not wear them now as i want to have a career in music production or just a side job doing it ya know!!
I have the best of both worlds; I ruptured my left ear drum when I was a kid, so my hearing's not as strong in that ear, plus I have a weird range anyway - I'm not that good with bass, but my high end goes higher than most people's and it's ultra-sensitive. Whilst most people just kinda go "Ah, fuck it!" when a mic squeals, it nearly knocks me off my feet - it's painful to the point where it brings tears to my eyes and I have to go sit somewhere quiet for a bit.

So yeah, I always wear plugs now - I didn't when I first started playing in bands, but after being turned into a gibbering wreck a few times I thought I'd try some out. Fortunately, at around the same time my sister started seeing a guy that makes moulds for a living, so I get moulds and plugs free (and hopefully an in-ear monitor too soon :rock:). Not only do they make everything clear and therefore tighten up my guitar-ing, but they block my ears enough I can hear my voice in my head and my singing is way better. I wear them to a lot of gigs too, it means you can actually listen to the band rather than just a mess of noise and a bass drum.

I always wear plugs watching concerts and practicing, unless I forget them...... But have feared wearing them while playing live due to the moniter sound always being horrible and wanting to hear drums as much as possible ( i always hear my guitar and nothing else, I HATE that, I want it the other way around). But I think I am going to attempt them at my next gig and see what happens.
I use Hearos High Fidelity ear plugs. I tried them recently when Kreator came down and I'd say they live up to the hi-fi tag. They are about as flat earplugs as you can hope to get for around $30, but they kill some of the mids.

As DSS said though, you can move them around to change the frequency filtering until you like what you hear.

I find it odd though, I don't know what position is the most 'flat'. They seem to use some sort of weird pressure system, where when I push them in all the way I hear 'pop' and then the frequency response becomes really flat, but then my ears sort of dull out again, and you have to push em back in and repeat the process. Dunno if that's unorthodox and I'm pushing them in too far or something.
Yeah, I always wear plugs. Mostly "christmas trees", or whatever they are called in english... these:


I get a headache if I watch live shows without ear plugs, the treble is just way too shrill at any gig (professional or local bands, big or small venue, doesn't matter) not to mention the overpowering bass especially from double kick drums.'

yea problem i have when i play at practice and start head banging and geting crazy my ear plugs fly out but i am just using cheap home depot special ear plugs.
You are putting them on incorrectly. Even the cheapest foam-style plugs stay very well in your ear when it is properly fitted inside. You will know it is at the right depth when you just start feeling a sort of small cold itch in your eye (yes :lol: ) [if you don't, just put it as far as you can so that you can still pull it out without pliers :lol: ]. Remember to hold the plug with your finger until it starts regaining its original shape within your ear--that's when it will stay on and is properly on :)
flhctroll said:


Q: Do cellphone-speakers actually translate well in those ultrasonic areas?


I have custom made ones from hearsafe. They are about 150€ a pair but there are perfect linear. Just 15db lower volume. I can enjoy music, concerts, playing much more cause i can hear much more defined. I even mixed with them after i was working 10 days on a mix and my hearing was a little over-sensitive after that.
I've always been wearing plugs for the past 15 years. I always knew that I wanted to produce music till I die, so I never wanted to become deaf by 35 and have to work regular jobs for the 2nd half of my life ... (let alone not hearing my own music properly anymore).

Brett: please explain the "wearing headphones while mixing"-idea again!