brandy said:

Q: Do cellphone-speakers actually translate well in those ultrasonic areas?


I have custom made ones from hearsafe. They are about 150€ a pair but there are perfect linear. Just 15db lower volume. I can enjoy music, concerts, playing much more cause i can hear much more defined. I even mixed with them after i was working 10 days on a mix and my hearing was a little over-sensitive after that.

Don't know about the higher tones as I couldn't hear them, but my cell phone was able to play the 14.something tone.
I have a pair of Etymotic brand christmas trees. I've had them for 4-5 years and They are still PERFECT. They costed like 20 euros. Clear sound without damping the high end too much. Also bass response is not boosted. Get some good earplugs people, even if it costs you 100-300euros for custom made ones. even 1000 euros is not expensive for protecting your precious ears(the instrument, most of us works with...).

There is one thing I don't want to lose, My hearing. My sight ok, talking ok, my hair ok. If I can't hear, I might as well die because my only passion is music and sound. I could still play drums and guitar when I can't speak/see(Ray charles played piano blind!).

Take my words and GET EAR PROTECTION.
Torniojaws said:
Yeah, I always wear plugs. Mostly "christmas trees", or whatever they are called in english... these:



I tried these and i have dreadlocks and when my dreads hit the cord or the ear plugs it makes this really loud like amplified scratching noise into my ears i threw those piece of shits across the room and i bought like 3 pair i was pissed!! :heh:
yea i just hate how my cheap foam ear plugs jut kill all highs and all i hear is the freaking bass guitar and kick drum it seems i need to hear my tone a lil beter it drives me nutz!

But i also wana be able to hear when im 35 and mix and record music till the day i die so i know i need to wear them.
flhctroll said:
and madbutcher... why not turn down your guitar then:)

My guitar rig is really quiet. At pretty much every show, the sound guy says "hey turn yourself up a bit....." so i do, well used to, now I just act like I am turning the knob up, and i say "that's full blast, I got it on 11". All guitars in the monitors. I turned down some after a song a couple times, but it wasn't enough. My shit isn't loud at all. Crate BV 120. It probably has the quietest gain channel on the planet. Trust me, it's not my amps volume.
I got a cold a few weeks ago and woke up one day during this cold with my right ear feeling like it was stuffed with a little bit cotton wool. It went away about 10 hours into the day and eveything was fine.

Had a gig the next night and I don't wear ear plugs live but always rehearse with them in.

I came off stage and my right ear was like the day before again. I thought it must have been just my cold again.

Over the next couple of days it never went away and I have a small ringing in that ear and I'm really dizzy sometimes in the morning when I first get up or when I'm lying down and tilt my head back the room feels like its spinning.

Went to see a doctor a couple of days later and he had a quick look in my ear and said he thinks I've damaged my inner ear and is sending me to an ear, nose and throat specialist to see what the score is. Been two weeks now still waiting for my appointment to see what is wrong. Condition seems to be getting a little better but maybe I'm getting used to it. Still got a ringing in my ear when everyhting is quite (not loud enough to annoy me) but I can hear pretty much as clear in both ears again and my speach doesn't sound distorted in my head anymore.

Hopefully I haven't totally knackered my ear. Have to wait and see.
Hope that gets better soon man. I'm hoping I never get like that. I learnt my lesson with live music w/o earplugs afrer I saw Children of Bodom and my ears didnt stop rining for like 3 days.
funny i just wore ear plugs for my first full concert (family values tour) man i actually feel good after the show and am not def.

Funny were leaving the show and my girlfriend is like i can't hear shit...I just chuckled. :kickass: :kickass:
yea it seems like its safe to say for the most part everyone exept Mr. Sneap weres ear plugs at live shows!

Maybe if we wana mix like andy we should just stop wearing ear plugs :heh:

Or not :lol:
ill wear earplugs to a concert if i remember to bring them..but i dont see how anyone can mix while wearing earplugs..just turn the monitors down or something