Your Highway Home - new music video for punk/rock/djent/dubstep band


Nov 17, 2009
Hahaha, too many genres, but I think it works for this band.

I've recorded with these guys since they were a 2 piece acoustic/drum machine band and I always have a ton of fun working with them They give me free reign to help with the writing process, and its a style I rarely write in. Groovy bass lines are a total weakness for me, and their style leaves tons of room for me to go nuts, haha :loco:

To be honest, its not the style of music I would normally listen to, but it's fun stuff to co-write/produce. They're still a relatively unknown/unsigned band, save for the cover of Tao Cruz's "Dynamite" we did a little while back which got them a bunch of views on Youtube.

Anyhow, just curious to hear what you guys think about it. Be brutally honest (compliments are always nice, but I'd rather hear about the weak areas of the mix/music), because I wouldn't mind working with a few more bands like this - nice change of pace from all the metal sometimes ;)

The mix is good, especially for this type of music. Unfortunately, no matter how much these bands want to believe it, they're not original. Maybe its just me though, I hated dubstep before it got poorly infused into "metal" and now I hate it even more and this singer sounds like every other singer from bands like this.

Seriously though, I really do like the production.